They flew awesome, but for some reason I never trusted them. My rinehart target bent the ferrule so they would no longer deploy. I bet you will like them and their accuracy. That mixed with the ability to use each one as a practice head with the set screw makes for a good BH.
I had some a few years ago that I shot and decided the blade was too thin to extend out as far as it does with no wider bottom section near the ferrule to support it in the case of a heavy impact. I really liked them other than that.
I have shot two elk with the first gen (black ones). Both times they deployed late (only a hole, no blade slits) and on one elk only two of the three blades deployed. I have not used the new red design on game. I did shoot the red one through plywood, paper, and cardboard to test the speed of deployment. It was still late so I use ramcats now.
The new gen are and have been red for a while. The deep six might also be red though.... Unless they changed in the last little few months.... I have been shooting them and LOVE the flight, am planning to use them alot this year! Havent noticed the noise though? Were you guys hearing it from the shot or down range?
No thanks, better off sticking with a head that won't fail when the moment arrives... sounds like there have been several issues and this isn't the only place I have heard that from.
they have worked just fine for me. I only have the original heads. Killed several deer with them. Big entrance and exit wounds. They fly great and haven't had a problem with noise. Have only had one that I couldn't re-use.
I havent heard of very many failures and know lots of people shooting them. Anything can fail though, 10 people online having an issue is no reason for me to not try something myself..... Go to archery talk and someone probably had the exact bow you shoot blow up in his hands, yet thats not a reason for me to switch bows. IMHO of course.
amp713, have you shot any animals with them or any animals with a different broadhead that you could compare these to? The "lots" of people shooting them, have they shot them and killed animals? I know lots of people who shoot lots of kinds of targets. They carry them in their quiver too, but have limited/if any experience with them on animals.
Not "anything" (in terms of broadheads, since that is what this thread is about) can fail... Only a mechanical or lesser quality fixed blades can fail.
There are two people on this thread that have shot animals with them, one used them on deer and liked them (common trait among mechs/deer sized animals). The other used them on Elk and said they deployed late... A few others posted that they had issues with them while "testing" them.
Disclaimer... I love shooting mechanicals, so this isn't a "COC is better than Mech" war... Just saying there seem to be better options available, though I could be wrong, let's see some entry/exit holes.
Sorry Nick I wasnt aiming that at you but reread it and it kinda seemed that way. I have not shot any elk with mine as i missed my elk last year cuz i guessed his range wrong. As far as smaller game i have loved them, def havent heard the noise though... And I still think I will give them a shot this year unless they give me reason to change. What are you shooting now Nick?