Elk vs fence, what can be done?


Jan 11, 2013
I’m not familiar with Idaho fence requirements, but some things I would look to in my neck of the woods are:
Are there any fence type restrictions from the the county or state? A neighboring county here requires wildlife friendly fence types unless granting a restriction. At a minimum, you can play the game to make it really hard to keep the fence.
Does the fence follow the road Right of Way? Counties and the state here have fence type requirements for ROW fence. Again, they can get around it with an exemption, but it’s going to cost them time and effort to do so. Also, on this note, it is usually better if concerned citizens bring up the issue instead of the government. Because some of the government employees will do what is easiest, which is sometimes leaving the fence as is.

Good luck on this.


Feb 27, 2012
Colorado Springs
Cool story. Not one single thing in your fictitious story is relevant to this story. No poaching, no road kill, none of it. Just a CA transplant changing the landscape and wildlife for the worse for no logical reason.
So when you talked to the landowner, what reasons did he give to you for the fence?

You already stated that you have "no idea why" he put up the fence, but then you came up with your own fictitious reasons. Perhaps you should sit down the guy and discuss it.......like an adult.