Efficiently Lean for Killing. Anyone doing this? The objective is not be too heavy for climbing mountains for killing animals. Regardless if it is fat or muscle, just efficiently lean to not carry more weight than needed. It is eating in a 4 hour time period, lots of water and some coffee for 20 hours. The difference from a typical 20/4 IF plan is you do not give in to carbohydrates just because it is a short eating window and cardio/resistence training 3 times per week during latter portion of fasting period.
It is high fat and protein and very low carbs. Meat, (most preferrably wild raised), pastured eggs (preferrably duck), wild salmon, avacado, grass fed butter, coconut oil, greens with vegetable toppings. This will absolutely minimize insulin production allowing body flab to be used for fuel.
Very little insulin production from eating saturated fat and protein will result in body fat burning while still getting nutrient dense food. The high satiety levels and short eating window will help maintain a calorie deficit without sacrificing excellent nutrition. Body flab will run scared off your body. Not to mention HDL numbers tend to increase which is the best indicator of heart health.
It is high fat and protein and very low carbs. Meat, (most preferrably wild raised), pastured eggs (preferrably duck), wild salmon, avacado, grass fed butter, coconut oil, greens with vegetable toppings. This will absolutely minimize insulin production allowing body flab to be used for fuel.
Very little insulin production from eating saturated fat and protein will result in body fat burning while still getting nutrient dense food. The high satiety levels and short eating window will help maintain a calorie deficit without sacrificing excellent nutrition. Body flab will run scared off your body. Not to mention HDL numbers tend to increase which is the best indicator of heart health.