I don’t poke the gut. I gut hundreds of animals all year long so I’m pretty dang proficient at opening a belly and pulling the bung hole back through the pelvis. Doesn’t take me any longer to open the belly and roll it out of the way than trying to cut a hole behind the last rib, and reach in trying to get both tenderloins while fighting everything on the inside. If going from the back down works well for you then great. You also said you remove the ribs with a knife so in a way you are still opening the animal up and exposing the inside so why not just open the belly and roll the stomach out of the way. Makes it easier to roll the carcass over to do the other side without the added weight.I can’t get with the belly method. I see no advantage of it. You say it’s easier but then you say you gut the animal? I don’t like the fact you’re more likely to poke the guts going up the belly.
When you go up the back the weight of the guts creates a gap which makes it easier to remove the inside tenderloins. Additionally the weight of the hindquarters and front quarters are higher which is at an easier to remove, especially solo. And as one gets older
I used to rib roll but anymore I take the ribs out on the bone. No saw needed and easily done with just a havalon. It’s a way better product and it’s worth the weight. Makes me sad knowing how many people miss out on moose and elk ribs. After the ribs are out the heart easily comes out and you have a nice clean process when you walk away.
I’m not knocking the method of going from the back down and doing a “gutless” method. It works very well too. Just trying to give pointers on other methods since I’ve seen thousands of animals done the gutless way and a lot of hunters can still botch that up pretty easily. Especially when trying to remove the tenderloins.