Elk or Hunter?

Dont get caught with your pants down. Best advice. Play them all like its the real deal (carefully) until you confirm with you eyes. Some bulls sound terrible. Some are unmistakable. Some are wimpy. Some are quiet. The best way to tell is to listen for inconsistencies in transitions of tones, in my opinion. What I mean by that is that most live elk smoothly roll from one tone to another. While a lot of hunters just cannot replicate that. The call will sound choppy, or broken up a little. The changes in tone may be stepped instead of smooth. Best way I can describe it. Others humans will be downright terrible. Especially if you get them worked up and they think your a real bull. When you stat getting in close a lot of guys make mistakes and some terrible sounds come out. as their adrenaline starts pumping. lol. I always carry some orange for instances like this. I'll throw on a blaze hat and go shoot the shit with them for a minute to say hi.
If you're close enough you can hear a "guttural" sound that can't be imitated. From far away it can be hard to determine. So best get closer and you'll likely to be able to tell very quickly. Id rather get called in than miss out on a opportunity that I just dismissed bc I thought it was a human.

One final thought, Humans rarely are bugling at 3am in the timber away from roads.