I received a reply email from the Western Hunter staff today. They explained the situation to me in a manner that makes sense. Our subscriptions are based on #of issues, not years. Example:
I just renewed my membership to both magazines, so that means I have a total of 16 magazine issues coming. Because they are combining, I will now be getting 16 issues of the new merged magazine. So, fees are still being applied so we receive the correct number of future issues.
Not only did they respond via email, Chris Denham actually tried to call me today to discuss this. I wasn't able to take the call, and will be calling back tomorrow. There customer service was very fast, and I certainly wasn't expecting Chris to call me directly! That says a lot about this company, and how they do business. In the voicemail, Chris briefly touched upon the adverting as well. He spoke to each and every advertiser in their magazine, and they were all in favor of the change.
Although the dedicated elk hunter magazine will go away, there will additional content in the merged magazine, and the subscription price will actually decrease.
After my initial comments in here, I wanted to be sure to get back in and provide the follow up information. Which leads me to this statement before I leave; both Western Hunter and Kifaru have REALLY impressed me with the customer service. I didn't have to spend a bunch of time pushing buttons on damn phone listening to menu after menu to get information. I leave a message, and someone responds! What a concept! Kifaru did the same thing when I had questions about shelters. Call them up, and Aron or another member of there team is there to help! This time I have a question/concern about my Western Hunter membership, so I leave an email with a call back number. And they actually call back!! BRAVO WESTERN HUNTER AND KIFARU! I'm sure there are a ton of other companies like this, but these are just my two recent experiences with hunting companies that I wanted to mention.