Best things you can do for FREE (or on a tight budget) IMO
Personally I think the best thing you can bring you is your fitness and being familiar with the gear/ equipment you bring with you. Being physically fit will only cost you your time before your hunt. If you get a new piece of gear, go and use it, try it out. Don't wait until you're out on your hunt to set a new tent up for the first time, especially in the dark.
I'm also a huge fan of organizing my pack. Sub organize into smaller packs for access. (Minimal cost for some storage bags but saves you a TON of aggravation).
Pack out what you think you'll be taking with you on your back and weigh your bag BEFORE YOUR TRIP. This will give you an idea of what you'll be facing with every step of your hunt. Ounces add up quick and the next thing you know your hauling 60lbs on your back. Break your gear down into two piles; MUST Have's and COMFORTS. If you must shed weight from your pack comfort items should be the first to go.
Knowing your abilities and being fit will give you the ability to know when to send it up over the next ridge and when not to. Be smart, make good decisions and work with what the mountains put in front of you. Good luck!