Elk Bullet for 7mm rem mag

26 inch barrel ADG brass Fed 210m primers and RL 26.
Thanks. The question was what data source is getting 2960 fps (with RL26) that supports that velocity? Most data shows 24" bbl, makes sense you would be a bit quicker but that's just my quick look at multiple sources.
Partitions have been my go to bullet for 30 years. 140/150 for Whitetails, deadly performance. My 2024 buck's heart was blown in half @ 120 yds. 150 gr NPT, 63.5 grains H4831, 9 1/2 Rem Mag primer, 3.290 COAL. Sub 1 moa out of Rem 700 BDL, 24 inch, 9.25 twist. Original Walker trigger. Factory walnut stock, barrel floated, bedded in Accuraglass. Shoots most everything very well with little change in POI. Tack driver off a concrete bench w/sand bags. I just drew the best elk tag in New Mexico. Oct 5-9 in Unit 34 w/Rifle, a special early season during youth season for Mobility Impaired hunters. Guided hunt, guide has a Bog tripod with Deathgrip for me to use if needed. Tag had a 67% kill rate last year. I loaded 175gr partitions 20 years ago for my only elk hunt, no shots fired. 64 grains of H4831 with 3.290 COAL. Berger stability checker confirms good stability at 800 ft, so I can do load development locally. I use the Hornaday ballistic calculator, printing ballistics to 700 yards with 10mph wind@90 degrees for bullet comparison. Considering loading a high speed long range load if needed. My Leupold scope has multiple indicators to easily swap settings, but simpler to just know ballistics. Likely the 160 reg. Accubond or NPT loaded to 3100fps, but the 162 ELD-X, Berger 168 Classic Hunter, Barnes copper, all peak my interest. My outfitter shoots only copper in his 300 WM. It has to be a bullet that is stable at 800 ft and I do not want a cartridge that will not fit in my magazine, too slow for follow-up shots. At 8000ft my gun will stabilize even the 195 Berger. I just modified a piece of brass to measure depth to lands. I drilled and threaded the primer hole for a long 10-24 machine screw to push bullets to the lands. Sliced the neck to relieve pressure, allowing bullets to slide easily. I live 20 minutes from Midway USA. It's owner has been very good for our Retriever Club, so I patronize his business if my gun shop cannot accommodate my needs. 160 NABs/NPTs are in stock as are the 175/162 ELDX. Burger 195 EOL is on sale for those interested for $59/100.