EE Revelation Quilts sale on Massdrop

Do you think it's still worth the discount as opposed to buying the 850 fill directly friend EE for around $285??
I picked one up from MD a year ago, not this exact one though, and it’s well made and good to the temps they say. I’d buy another one from them if I needed it. Mine is made in USA, made by EE, 20 deg with 800 full downtek.
I picked one up from MD a year ago, not this exact one though, and it’s well made and good to the temps they say. I’d buy another one from them if I needed it. Mine is made in USA, made by EE, 20 deg with 800 full downtek.
Same here, except I think I got mine a year and a half ago. Mine is made in USA, but with a 7 denier shell.

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