Economic impact on elk applications

How so? They refund one person then sell it to another it's a break even, not extra income.


you only get a refund if you choose to lose all your preferences points. If you want to keep your points, you have to pay for the full price tag.

that plus, app fees, habitat stamps that more people have to buy... hunting license that more people have to buy.

they are making tons of extra cash on this.

great for all involved.... department gets more money and hunters get more opportunity
you only get a refund if you choose to lose all your preferences points. If you want to keep your points, you have to pay for the full price tag.

that plus, app fees, habitat stamps that more people have to buy... hunting license that more people have to buy.

they are making tons of extra cash on this.

great for all involved.... department gets more money and hunters get more opportunity
I saw a camp full of steelhead fishermen last night, all packed in around one campfire. Your argument holds no merit. Everyone goes "camping" then crowd around each other.

Sounds like a bunch of people that are willing to accept the risk. Next.

And what river were they steelhead fishing in SW Colorado where this backcountry ban is in place?
Still too early to tell for sure. But I would guess for 2020, application #s will not rise at the rate they have the few years previous.

For years past 2020, if the economy doesn't rebound or does so very slowly, there absolutely will be effects. There is no question that if people don't have the flexibility to hunt - there will be less hunting days in the elk woods.
I would think this situation would have to have a downward effect on tag sales for non-residents at least. I had planned an out of state elk hunt this year and my finances have not been affected at all yet, but I'm rethinking my plans because this may trickle dwn and end up affecting my cash flow eventually.
Sounds like a bunch of people that are willing to accept the risk. Next.

And what river were they steelhead fishing in SW Colorado where this backcountry ban is in place?
They were in a campground in Idaho that has been closed due to the stay at home order issued by the governor, so those geniuses broke more than one rule. You left zero wiggle room in your statement, you didn't say most everyone will keep their distance in the backcountry, you said "no one" will be within 6ft of another person. 3 fifth wheel campers full of people crowded around one table and one fire pit proved that statement false. I'd be pretty sure that the same things are happening in every state, including Colorado. Next.

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3 fifth wheel campers full of people crowded around one table and one fire pit proved that statement false.

I've never seen anyone get a 5th wheel into the backcountry. The statement was made from "one post" about SW CO backcountry being closed to people. That has nothing to do with ID or steelhead fishing or 5th wheels.
I think it will have been like a bad dream that has past by Sept. Bad thing is that a company that is just hanging on might go over the edge due to the virus. I think the media has done what the media is supposed to do and tales of the deep state are just that, tales. This is one of those times the media really needs to help make us realize how bad it is and how much worse it can be if we don't take serious precautions even for the young.
It wasn't on my radar early on but it is now. I applied in AZ and NM up to this point but we are down to one income now (mine) and even though I budget for this and for would be irresponsible to fund a hobby as opposed to necessities. I'll settle for staying local on the weekends so long as we still have an income once this blows over.
Nebraska just sent an automated message saying out of state Turkey tags are suspended. I don't see them wanting to get rid of the out of state big game income out west though.

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Paraphrased. “You lose your preference points in Colorado if you get your money back from a returned tag”

Not true. I will likely draw 3 tags this year (elk, mule deer, and antelope” on SECOND choices. I will get a point for each species and will not lose them-even if I turn back in all 3 tags for a refund (minus $15 processing fee)
Paraphrased. “You lose your preference points in Colorado if you get your money back from a returned tag”

Not true. I will likely draw 3 tags this year (elk, mule deer, and antelope” on SECOND choices. I will get a point for each species and will not lose them-even if I turn back in all 3 tags for a refund (minus $15 processing fee)

if this was in reference to my post, I assume he was talking about 1st choice tags, ones where you would actually burn points... in which case you have to decide whether to keep preference points or get your money back.

you are correct that second choice tags you can turn in at no penalty... minus small game fees, habitat stamps, ect.... which still adds dollars from multiple people.
I think that for early NR apps like WY, AZ and even NM, it's not going to have an impact for applications.

For OTC, I think that could fall off quite a bit, especially in CO. CO is the place most likely hunted by the casual eastern guy. A certain percentage of those guys and gals will have too much financial insecurity even if they still have a job to head west. Another percentage will have no vacation or be laid off and have no way to pull it off.
MT draw applications close at midnight tonight. I guess we’ll find out soon enough. I’ve got to think the way it sits right now there has to be a very measurable amount of people that aren’t willing to, or just plain can’t drop 1000 or better on an elk tag right now.
All of these tickets are unconstitutional, just like the red light photo tickets and the speed trap photo van tickets (there is no repercussions for not paying these types of tickets).

This "stay at home" is a rule NOT law. Laws must be voted in from a Bill presented to either your local state or federal government. Which hasn't been the case. This is not Martial Law. This is simply a "hey, will you do us a favor and please stay inside so the spread isn't so drastic?!? We would really appreciate it!" The "fines" are just scare tactics.