Easton axis 4mm long range vane recommendations


May 9, 2018
What vanes is everyone running on Easton axis 4mm? I’m currently shooting AAE max stealth and I feel like they’re having a hard time steering my iron will S100s.
You’re not going to get anything meaningful out of asking such a vague question. Your vanes have nothing to do with whether your broadheads hit where you want them to. That is a tuning issue, not a vane issue.
While I do not agree with Zac a max stealth should steer an iron will.

Are your vanes offset or helical, how much?
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Not a vane issue. Could be spine, or you just aren’t tuning properly, but you’re barking up the wrong tree with vanes. That profile is very sufficient.
Agree with Zac, those vanes are fine for your broadheads. I shoot the same heads and vanes, they group out to 80 with field points.

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I’m shooting Easton Axis 5mm 300 Spine with the IW SB125. Arrows are fletched with the AAE Max Stealth’s and they seem to do good for me. Broadheads are grouping with field points out to 40yds is the furthest I’ve broadheads tuned so far this summer. BHs are within 1/4” of FPs at 20yds, so I’m pretty pleased with that. My FOC is pretty minimal or modest depending on how far you read into those details. Double check the paper tune, confirm bow timed and center shot is where it should be. I’d be curious to know what your arrows velocity is?
Ya I agree with what's above. Those vanes are one of the best steering vanes on the market. So it's not a vane issue. Go shoot your bow through paper and see what it says. Then tune it to get a bullet hole. Then go outside and broadhead tune. Then tune your bow to get them to shoot next to each other. Your bow is definitely out of tune. Your vanes aren't causing the broadheads to hit off. What specs are your bow and what spine arrow are you shooting?
Although AAE max stealth's are known to steer fixed broadheads well, I figured I'd share the Iron Will vane study report findings.
In short, for best broadhead flight performance, you want a vane that's high profile, low drag, 2-3* offset / helical. In general the blazer style or hybrid hunter vanes perform better with those factors in mind.

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The guys I know shooting these long range shots at game are using the little vanes- like the little Blazers in a 4x configuration.

Smaller vanes in a 4 fletch are popular with people that take longer shots. But also most people taking long range shots are shooting mechanical. So they don't need as much steering capability. Smaller vanes in a 4 fletch are also typically a little faster and a little quieter. That's why this combo is popular with like pronghorn and mule deer hunters for example. Even though that vane combo can be used for most anything. I'm using a 4 fletch of AAE Airazr pro's shooting a G5 deadmeat for whitetail.
What vanes is everyone running on Easton axis 4mm? I’m currently shooting AAE max stealth and I feel like they’re having a hard time steering my iron will S100s.
I have shot iron wills before. For me vanes didn't matter with my set up.

Shot 3 fletch aae 26, 4 fletch aae 23, and 3 fletch blazers all with slight right helical and all the same result as I was tinkering with it. I would check that spine and tune first. Good tune and arrow setup should shoot about anything.

FWIW I like to have a stiffer arrow and get it a little shorter or load the front up and every configuration I shot with IW did fine. Shot a mule deer with the four fletch at 70 yards last year with an IW on the front. My speeds are between 280-290fps
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