Eastbound and down

One state line down, 2 to go

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Well daily updates didnt work so heres a rundown. This is southern Wyoming and the rough winters have taken their toll on this herd unfortunately, all other ungulates seem to be thriving in the absence of deer though. More elk and moose than ever in 1 trip.
29th, rain and wind; set up camp and went to glass the afternoon. Only managed to turn up 4 bucks and no does.
30th weather way nice- hit am glassing spots, no deer.
Hit pm glassing spots- sheep herder is driving sheep out of a good canyon. Cross this off the list
10-1, opening morning is warm and clear we turn up 10 does, 4 elk and 2 shiras starts snowing around 2300
10-2 wake up to light snow and snow covered sage- overcast and calm winds just a perfect morning.
Hunt all day for zero legal bucks.
10-3 wind blows snow out and dries everything out. Deer, all deer go AWOL wind hits 50 in gusts
10-4 run into the warden on a gas run. He says were hunting a dead triangle and 80% of their collared deer died that winter. We decide to hunt this evening and tomorrow morning and change areas. See a great 6x6 elk and 4 cows.
10-5 see first legal buck and 6 does in 5 days feed over a ridge at 1000 yards, haul ass to where we think this bucks headed(quakies) get to within 100 yards of where we are going to set up and hear a single shot, very deflated we almost turn back. But decide to side hill around this canyon and check out shady cedar draws. Viola! Glass turns up some rumps and legs feeding through the cedars.
As these bucks(4) feed around its determined that 2 are legal and a young 3x3 is ranged at 328 he feeds broadside and is awarded a 145lrx for his patience. Not my biggest buck by a long shot but certainly the hardest mental hunt in quite some time. My bro connects with a heavy 2x3 in the same draw, this old warrior had no teeth left and looks to be regressed from some point.

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