I went with a bikini over the duplex for the comfort. I have it attached to a HC 4800. I won't haul a heavy load in the woods unless I absolutely have too. My heaviest loads are 65lbs.
[How ya gonna sleep when you start trying to decide what to hang on your frame?
Ive never had the chance to run a duplex so I cannot directly compare the two but the bikini is more comfertable then any other pack I've ever worn. I've put everything from day hike loads to two 70 pound sand tubes on it. I don't know what the duplex carries like and maybe it is better then the bikini loaded heavy but comparing the bikini to what I've worn previously is amazing. So I guess as long as I never try a duplex I will never know what I'm missing out in. Also be realistic with yourself, are you really physically capable of hauling 130+ pounds out of the woods? On a groomed trail or the sidewalk of your neighborhood is one thing but I don't know about you but not a lot of my animals die in areas like that. 100 pounds is HEAVY.... I've never had a load heavier then 117 pounds coming out and honestly I don't plan on it anytime soon.
I went with the bikini because I shoot a bow 99% of the time and I figured the bikini would be better for that. It may not be I don't know. It was much lighter, not a big deal but a pretty good bonus attribute. There is a ton of area cut out that lets my back breath. Finally because It was new and I really liked the comments I was hearing about it.
There are also things I do not like, The stays are not removable. I went with aluminum stays In The bikini because I had never tried a kifaru and wanted to make sure I could get it to fit correctly. The duplex you can change stays, and in that case I probably would have gone with the composite because of the option to change later.
I wish the Bikini had the 1 inch web at times, sometimes the 3/4 seems to slip off the shoulder pads lesson to the load lifters. Doesn't change anything just bugs my ocd at times
Sometimes I hit my head on the crossbar if I'm not paying attention, the duplex has a strap on too I beleive so may be a wash
When using the bikini as a pack board thigs can stick through the frame and like you In the back. Had this happen this morning when carrying goose decoys into the field. Not a big deal but just something to think about
All that said I will own a duplex at some point, for no other reason then I like to buy shit.
Thank you for taking the time to help.
I do usually pack considerably heavy loads.
But even if I am packing out an entire boned out deer with cape/rack, that is only one day of the trip. Or two trips to get an elk out plus a trip to recover camp/gear.
My norm is packing in for 7-10 days at least 5 miles in. The furthest I was from trail head this year was aprox 11. That's a lot of hiking with only 50-55 lbs which makes me think the greatest amount of time spent will be under lighter loads.
I will admit, I may be an ounce counter.
Thanks Aron.
You aren't introducing any new frame options are you?