Dropping the big $$$ on a spotter. Straight or angled???

Angled. More ergonomic for me....but you definitely want an angled scope with a rotating barrel (collar). That makes angled more ergonomic than straight when glassing from the truck window. Also use the angled scope a bit like a periscope to age and phonescope sheep that are fairly close. I will sit behind a boulder with the scope objective poked out but the rest hidden.

I also get a full field of view as an eye glass wearer with angled...but not as easily with straight, even though they have the same FOV. Better ergonomics.
Having owned and used multiples of both, angled for me. Also the idea that you can go from binos, to a straight spotter without readjusting hasn't been even close to a reality for me with multiple different combos of binos and straight scopes.
Ill be down south next week for work, Theres nowhere locally to check out spotters so I'll just drop into a sportsmans warehouse. Ill probably get an ATS or STS 65.
Think carefully about your glassing style and intended use. If you’re primarily glassing from ridges looking straight across or down you might prefer straight. Likewise for range use.

If you’re glassing from valleys looking up you’ll probably be happier with angled.