Dropping pack to stalk...

Lots of good and interesting opinions in here. Have picked up some good pointers but personally don’t ever drop the pack unless it’s potentially the last bit of a stalk
I have never dropped my pack while hunting unless of course when sitting etc. Have no problem shooting with a pack on, but the pack I carry is not capable of packing meat with the exception of a boned out antelope. I use the Badlands Diablo and it carries everything that I need.
Hey everyone -

not looking to have a discussion on if you should ever drop your pack or not. I've gotten pretty disciplined on how I mark my back when I drop it and I'm comfortable with that.

Where we hunt it is a lot of running ridges and then bailing into super shitty and vertical hell holes for anywhere from 2 to 4 hours. More often than not it is one way in and one way out back to where we are camped so I don't want to carry more weight than I need to on my fun 2000 vertical foot adventure lol.

Curious to know what you guys take with you and how you take it with you on a stalk. I don't want to stalk w/o:

  1. water
  2. snack
  3. sidearm
  4. Kill kit
  5. Inreach.
  6. Phone.
Thanks in advance for input!
NGL, you might as well carry your pack with all that. When I do, I have my bino harness with bear spray attached, knife attached to harness, my garmin watch, phone, my bow/rifle, and a snack in my pocket. I also hydrate before I drop that shit and carry those STM sticks from mountain ops.
I hate setting anything important down on the ground unless I'm at camp. I also use my bino harness as my "go bag". Meaning, I place some important essentials just in case I get separated from my pack. Like, lighter, emergency blanket, a little food, and my InReach. I also never take my bino harness off unless I'm getting into my tent or changing clothes.
I'll sometimes take my boots off on a stalk and put them in my pack, but it's not worth leaving anything behind. There's little worse than getting on elk but then doubling back for gear when it didn't all go to plan.