My guess is that people who would pay $450+ for someone to recover their deer would also pay an extraction fee. Say $250 to gut, skin, quarter, and pack. Additional fees for caping, and maybe some kind of mileage fee based on how far it needs to be packed out.Did you see how much it cost? Surprising that people pay that much especially for deer that looked like they would be easily tracked. Any idea how much a drone with thermal cost? Might be a good business opportunity lol
Deer Recovery
Don't risk bumping your deer by going in after it on foot or with a tracking dog. Instead - hire a thermal drone pilot to locate your buck carcass or other game animal with a thermal
safe to assume you don't use a rangefinder then? If your personal ability can't range an animal i sure hope you are not using this digital bull$hit !Some of you may agree with me or disagree with me but I'll leave a deer laying in the woods before I utilize this service.
I'm drawing the line at my own personal ability to either track a deer or let a deer tracking dog find the deer. If neither of those can find the deer, then I didn't deserve it. Too much digital Bull$shit is being incorporated into hunting.
I'm guessing he's 20,000 plus and likely uses it for other purposes. I think he has a video that says $20,000 drone stopped working. There are definitely cheaper models but I don't think he's running a cheaper models.Did you see how much it cost? Surprising that people pay that much especially for deer that looked like they would be easily tracked. Any idea how much a drone with thermal cost? Might be a good business opportunity lol
Deer Recovery
Don't risk bumping your deer by going in after it on foot or with a tracking dog. Instead - hire a thermal drone pilot to locate your buck carcass or other game animal with a thermal
exactly what I was thinking. I'd be on the phone with the warden before trying anything like this.In Va, and I suspect many other states, using a drone as an aid in hunting is illegal. Kind of like how you can't fly and hunt on the same day in Alaska. So, if you shoot a deer and then use a drone to find it, and it isn't dead, what do you do? It's not legal to go shoot it again because that would be hunting with the use of a drone.
Some of you may agree with me or disagree with me but I'll leave a deer laying in the woods before I utilize this service.
I'm drawing the line at my own personal ability to either track a deer or let a deer tracking dog find the deer. If neither of those can find the deer, then I didn't deserve it. Too much digital Bull$shit is being incorporated into hunting.
Dude, are you some kind of stalker or something? Seriously?came across a post of yours earlier today in another thread where you said something along the lines of you wouldn't sit in a Tree stand anymore without your heated socks & heated vest. I guess it's a good thing you don't draw a line at your personal ability to hunt in cold weather without the use electric heated clothing. Some would say that if you can't sit out in a stand without the fancy high tech socks & vest then you don't deserve the animals these technological advancements are helping you harvest.