Drew TX Desert Mulie Gun Hunt


Apr 24, 2018
Central Texas
I’ve hunted quail out there and chased Mule Deer on the border and pan handle. Elephant Mountain has water guzzlers for quail but it’s amazing how little dependence desert mule deer have on fixed water sources. Hunting the border you may see a buck hit a water source every 5-6 days.

I would love to have that tag. Best bet would be to scout if possible and see where there is a good amount of sign and does. At the very end of season the bucks should start looking after does. I would find a good glassing location and stay there for 4-5 days before moving. I’ve killed a few Texas Mule Deer and would only see them every 4-5 days which can have you questioning your spot.

Also saw you said they don’t allow scouting-I’d be out there scouting with a shotgun and some binos during quail season.


May 8, 2019
Congrats on a great tag and awesome adventure ahead. You were lucky to draw with 9 points as most in the game have 15-16 which makes me question the TPWD point system. As most of us do.

It's been mentioned above, GLASS GLASS GLASS. If you don't already have it, get some good glass and a tripod then practice sitting / standing behind it to find what's comfortable. Comfort goes a long ways to staying behind the glass for long periods of time.

I've never hunted West Texas but have hunted Mulies in south central NM. They can appear from no where and be gone in an instant.

It's really warm right now, I have a cow elk hunt in two weeks and the long range is showing highs in the mid 60's. That can turn in a day and be high's in the 30's. It's December in west Texas, be prepared for freezing to 70 deg. This is another area that will have you walking more to stay warm if not prepared which will pull from glassing time.

Best of luck to ya.