Drew my first BC Spring Grizz Tag!


Jun 4, 2012
Hey All,

Just wanted to start a thread.....BC hunting LEH just came out and I moved here last year from Alberta to experience all the mountain hunting opportunities that exist in the province. Grizz, caribou, mountain goats, Stones sheep, Dall sheep, blacktails, coastal black bears, etc, etc are all the reasons that drew me to BC and the vast hunting experiences that are here!

Well, I drew my first spring grizz tag and will be headed up north at the end of May for a hunt. I'll try and keep a bit of a running thread here or at least make sure I post some good pics when I return. Training has begun, and I'm currently putting together a Ruger M77 MKII stainless in 338WM. Waiting for a McMillan stock and plan to shoot 210gr TSX. I'll bring my 7 SAUM as a back up rifle in case of problems, but hoping that the new 338WM performs well.

Other than that, the area I drew is an area about 200km off the pavement on logging roads and old mine roads. Lots of spot and stalk from the truck and hiking in old roads that havent melted for snow to glass avalanche slides, etc as they green up.

Lookin forward to spring!!
Sweet! My wife drew an east Kootenay tag. Can't wait till April.

Awesome!!! Where at in East Koots did ya draw? I'm from Cranbrook, applied for a Kootenay tag and applied my wife for one but odds werent in our favour for the southern hunt.

Looks like I'll head up for 10-12 day hunt at the end of May and beginning of June.
7-38 poses a few 'logistical' issues, but they can be managed.
PM me as well if you need any resources.
7-38 poses a few 'logistical' issues, but they can be managed.
PM me as well if you need any resources.

Ya no doubt...vehicles, spare tires, extra fuel, camp, etc....all that FUN stuff that goes along with northern remote bear hunting in the spring!! Hahaha. Could be an interesting trip for sure. We will have a lot of planning and should have a good group of 4-5 of us go in, so should have all angles covered. Main thing will be getting a good spot to camp thats semi-secure and away from the roads a bit. Appreciate the offer as well tater!
No problem. It's a unique area with some unique challenges.
Just remember that the Haul Road often has local traffic that does not believe in radios...it can get a little (in)tense at times.
Got the new 338 Win Mag out for a shoot the other day. Its a Ruger M77 Stainless with a 2-7x33 Leupy up top. Still in the original stock but have a McMillan Classic on order and hoping it may make it here by the end of this month.

Regardless, the rifle managed to print a nice 3/4" group of 210 TSX in its first outing. A few nice 5 shot groups solidified that this rifle seems to be a shooter!! Now all I need is the weather to warm up a bit and start melting that northern snow!!!
This will be a fun hunt to follow. Good luck!

Thanks Justin. Leaving May 15-27th and will be filming the whole thing. More than likely will have several hundred pics as well, so I'll be sure to post some good info/updates. Right now I've been watching the weather network almost daily to see how snow melt is looking and what kind of temps they've been having up north.
Ya I've watched a couple of those cameras a bit, as well there is a camera at a gas station/shop right in the zone. Its a continual thing....almost an obsession!!! Haha
wow, you aren't wasting time taking advantage of the new opportunities, good luck, hope you fill that tag but know you will have a killer adventure to add to the experiences list, i'm so narrow focused i didn't even think about the other opportunities gained besides the sheep ha ha, no kidding thats an exciting province, the blacktails sound like a hoot too, i'll be staying tuned!
It wasn't because of work?????????????
Wow all this time I thought you got transferd....lol

Haha I did get transferred....I just requested the transfer and picked the spot! Haha. Just happened to be in a great hunting location!!