Downhill knee discomfort.

Feb 1, 2016
Had big issues w going downhill last year. Major pain. Went to a PT, started me on a big regiment of hamstring exercises and balancing the strengthening in my hips. My pain was on the inside of my knee where my hamstring connects to the side of my knee. PM me if that's where your pain is.

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Jul 27, 2015
New Mexico
Ive had a lot of knee issues since a motorcycle wreck in college. Two ACL replacements and a scope to cut out some of the meniscus. My other knee is fine but its a constant struggle to keep from injuring my ankle, knee or hip on my right side. Things that help me most are super heavy squats and intense stretching. Squats are good for your knees because it builds muscle, compresses the joint really hard so the chance of injury is low, and forces blood into the and around the joint. Ive started doing a lot of yoga lately to lengthen my hamstrings and calf muscles. A single session of yoga will tell you exactly where your mobility issues might be (if you have them) and thats where mine are. Ive also found the greatness of KT tape for super long runs to help support the patellar tendon (mine is somewhat compromised because it has been used to harvest tissue to rebuild my ACL twice now). You could try taping your knees before a hike. Its hard to say what your issue actually is over the internet but if its bad enough you might talk to a PT about it. Figure out a routine of exercises and stretches to do before it gets bad enough that they want to inject a bunch of crap into your joint. Im to the point that Im actually afraid to play soccer with my friends because I have such bad joint stability. Not to mention I am thinking about it every time I take a step in the mountains. There is nothing more frustrating than that.