Don't put stuff on the ground next to the truck

I have done this with my trekking poles, set them on the rear passenger tire, and decided the truck needed to be straightened out a bit before backpacking in and, well you know the story...luckily only one of the two were broken beyond repair. Hopefully, that was enough of a lesson for me so as to not let that happen with more expensive items in the future. The jury is still out on that one.
Went to leave from the parking lot pheasant hunting one day and some fellow hunters waived me down as I was backing up. Got out to find my Benelli Nova barrel under my rear tire. Crushed the bead but still shoots true to this day. Wont do that again!
Don't pull up to stuff and park either. I'm bad for that. Like a piece of firewood, auger, load of posts, stumps, rolls of pipe. Dumb stuff like that, things you can't see over the hood, then I drive forward and can't figure out what I hit.
Well these posts are all really making me feel better.. keep em coming.

I’ve lost coffee mugs, headlights, and water bottles off bumpers and the roof but never a firearm or bow.

I find myself only setting down items on the hood now as I don’t trust myself to remember anywhere else.
Happened this year with my buddies deer skull. Had it in the shade under the truck in camp and our other friend hopped in the truck to move it, ended up backing over it. Broke off the points on one side and popped the tire. To make things worse, it was his first buck ever.
Did the same with a Remington 870 during a Hunt Test for HRC. Site worke r(me) left the shotgun leaning on the front of the Range SxS and went to rebird the wingers (think duck slingshots). Loaded the five buckets of ducks, and drove off. came back to Site Manager (my dad) holding a now bent shotgun (stock bolt was all but it was out for the day). Fortunately there was only a few guys left to run and we had a spare we could use back at camp.
A few years ago, a buddy and I parked at a hate and hiked up a road. We realized there was a parking area up there so we hurried back to the trucks to get them out of the way. In my early morning haste, I set my bow against the passenger side tire and jumped in. I ran my cam over and didn't even know until he gave me my bow at the top... I'm glad I'm not the only one to have felt that idiocy.

Another time, I let my girlfriend borrow my phone to take a picture of her fish. Driving back to town, I realized I didn't have it and she didn't either. We were following another guy and I noticed I could see it on his bumper. Thirty miles of gravel and rough asphalt later, I got it back unscathed.
Back in high school we were going on our Friday night snowmobile ride and we were waiting for the last guy to get there and he pulls up and we ask him if he is going to go or just wait for us to get back so he could drink beer with us and he looks at us like were stupid. We then said you have to have a snowmobile to ride with us and he laughs and said "funny" and gets out of the pickup only to realize he had lost his snowmobile out of the back of his pickup on the way up the mountain. Couple guys jumped it with him and went back down the road to retrieve it. Never let him live that one down.
So the riser has about. 30 degree bend in it and two limbs are poo. So, the kind folks at RMSgear stripped off the salvageable parts like the flex guard, grip, strip stop thing, and I will be ordering a new bow. The rest and quiver seem to have survived, a few arrows died, and spot hogg told me to send the who sight back and it should be covered by warranty. The elevation/windage bars are bent.

So $1200, a day of hunting, effective range goes from 60+ to 20-30, and I am headed back up.
It’s a bowtech, sure it didn’t do that on its own? Just kidding. Sorry, at least you had a back up and can look forward to a new bow.
I left a Scott 5 weight with a Tibor reel on my canoe racks and managed to run over both when they fell off. Expensive trip
Cut and split 2 truckloads of firewood with 2 buddies. Walked back to the trucks, I put my saw, gas, and oil into my truck, grabbed a frosty beverage and a left handed cigarette and we reviewed the day.
Other guy had borrowed a saw, and was using my axe to split. He didn't put them in the truck right away and left em on the side of the road. Hotrodded ms200t, fuel, oil, files, saw tool, and a good axe. That was an expensive load of wood.
Did it myself with 2 Sage fly rods wearing Ross reels. I set them upright in the gap between the truck cab & bed to stop em falling over. Broke both rods, smashed up both reels.
I still feel sick about it.
Uncle set his chainsaw down behind the truck while loading wood once. Backed up to get closer to the logs, saw didn't survive. Still grumbles about it years later.
Cut and split 2 truckloads of firewood with 2 buddies. Walked back to the trucks, I put my saw, gas, and oil into my truck, grabbed a frosty beverage and a left handed cigarette and we reviewed the day.
Other guy had borrowed a saw, and was using my axe to split. He didn't put them in the truck right away and left em on the side of the road. Hotrodded ms200t, fuel, oil, files, saw tool, and a good axe. That was an expensive load of wood.
I make sure i have plenty of left handed cigarettes with me on the just never know!
I have ran over a shotgun before. I also left a shot gun in a parking lot. Both times I got the guns back a ok. Lucky stupid me
If it were not for my backup camera, I'd drive away at least 3 times a week with my tailgate open. I have a terrible habit of moving so fast and not paying attention that I set crap everywhere and leave/forget it. Ive had to consciously make an effort to avoid thigs like this by deliberately placing items down certain places. Sucks this happened to you.

If it makes you feel better when I was 17 my buddy and I drove 30 minutes to hunt and realized when we got there the tailgate was down and 2 bows 2 treestands and 2 backpacks were loooog gone...

Some things never change I guess
Jeez, how fast were you driving?

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I ran over my work back pack with my computer in it. Bent the computer in half. IT folks were pissed but couldn’t help laughing.

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