Don't Go Green!


May 8, 2012
Don't use Kleen Strip Green Oderless Mineral Spirits to thin SilNet or Silicone. I did a test last night with the above "Green" Mineral Spirits, which is actually milk white.

When mixed with silicone, to normal consistency the resulting mixture is opaque. I tested by applying the mixture to some spare Silicone Nylon. When applied thinly the mixture dries thin and clear. However the if application is thick it remains opaque. Also of concern is the quick setup of the mixture. In a matter of ten minutes the mixture was set to a opaque blob reminiscent of the Better Off Dead dinner scene.
I was able to use that stuff on my tent. But it did setup pretty quickly and it was eating the glue on the crappy little foam applicator I was using. So I was more annoyed with the brush constantly falling off and into the gooey mixture.
Whats the difference between the green and regular oderless? I dont recall which oderless mineral spirits I used to do my tipi but it dried clear and had a pretty good work time.
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Yeah I used the low odor or odorless on mine with no issues, went on nicely and dried clear.
I had the same experience. I bought the oderless "green" stuff in the plastic bottle. It was milk white, didnt desolve the silnet, and the ball of silnet goop set up while I was stiring it, maybe 2 minutes or so. There was no way I could have gotten it on the tent, but I made a pretty decent little bouncy ball.

I then had to buy more silnet and I tried with the oderless stuff in the metal can. Worked like a charm.

Trying to be all environmental cost me half a tube of silnet and now I have a useless bottle of oderless mineral sprits I'll have to pay to dispose of properly. Funny stuff.

Oderless is fine, Green not so much.

I actualy learned a few other little details also. On the net they recomend GE 100% silicone and some other 100% silicone caulks for this same job. But these other versions of silicone dont flow. Meaning they dont level out, smooth out, as they set up. The caulkings are formulated to hold their shape as they set up so they dont flow out of the seam and all over your countertop ect.... Even when thinned out they still dont flow well. Silnet is designed to flow and self level. My opinion is that it makes for a better looking seam, and it likely flows into the threads and fabric better than any of the caulkings do.

Also I learned to mix the stuff in small batches. It sets up/thickens up in 10 to 15 minutes and then doesnt apply well. S o if you mix a big batch you'll waste half of it cause it will set up before you can use it.

You cant reuse the foam brushes from one batch to the next. They firm up and become stiff. I found it best to have several of them, one for each batch of sealer.

My tent has some of the seams with DAP Auto/Marine silicone and some with McNetts Silnet. At some point down the road I may find out if one is better than the other.
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