Dog seizure

Update on my dog. She’s been seizure free since getting on a light dose of phenobarbital at the end of last season. She looks like her old self and has been putting a hurting on the prairie chickens this season.


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Some breeds are more prone to them and it may not be an issue unless it’s chronic.
10% of the human population will suffer a single seizure in their lifetime and never have another with no family history or cause. Can you check the bloodline for any history?
I agree I work at a college and we constantly have kids getting seizures all the time.

Like with any seizure, try to keep them from hurting themselves.

Get to vet, they can prescribe meds that will GREATLY REDUCE the frequency.

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We have an old dog that started having severe grand mal seizures. Vet meds helped and we tapered her off after six months or so. Still kicking it.

Had an infant go through the same thing. He has been seizure free for a decade now.
I have a dog was having seizures ( or so we thought), ended up being syncaple? Episodes. She had 3rd or 4th degree heart block and when she got excited or worked hard she wasn’t getting enough blood flow to her brain. On a dog pace maker now( yes you read that correctly) but it fixed the problem and priced out is actually cheaper than meds for the rest of her life..