Spoken like a guy that knows! lol
Spoken like a guy that knows! lol
This story might or might not be completely true:
Some hunting buddies and I were at a local watering hole having some water, and a pretty young girl joined our group because she so enjoyed what she overheard us talking about.
( I mean she was pretty and young, not that she was pretty young -- Not that there's anything wrong with that.)
We soon found out she rode and trained hunter/jumpers on a farm next door to a few acres of mixed hardwoods near town that I'd gotten permission to hunt since I won the lottery. Naturally Western vs. English came up when she noticed my signature lizard roach-kickers I've worn forever and the End Of The Trail belt buckle I got off e-bay.
She said she'd been captain of the equestrian team at a prestigious Southern university on a scholarship, but I was too much of a gentleman to tell her I'd won a real rodeo buckle at a much more prestigious Southern university just by hanging on.
Well anyway, at that point, seeing how well this girl and I were getting along, my best buddy decides he's going to tell her a story about me. Or a few of them. He launches into the broad brush tale of the girl that broke me.
She was a horse gal, too, a pioneer of barefoot horses and bare-assed magician's misdirection. I had nothing bad to say about her right then, because even years later, I was still trying to figure out what happened.
But my buddy put the fine point on it to this new horse gal. I don't know if he was trying to help me or hurt me.
He looked her dead in the eyes and told her: "Every which way but loose, that girl kicked his ass."
The new girl rocked back a bit at the coarse language, which I might not have fully and accurately translated just now. I might have left some words of emphasis out, or changed them.
However, she was resilient, as anyone who tries to stay attached to a horse must be, and she tried to correct my friend in her Southern English equestrian sort of way.
" 'Rectum'," she chided. "You mean 'rectum'." She returned my friend's stare.
"Wrecked him doesn't touch it, girl! ... Hell, she damn near killed him!"
I had to buy him a beer after that.