Does anyone board horses for passive income on your land?

Get some chickens.
Always have eggs and meat.
Maybe even sell some eggs to cover feed costs.
I have had chickens, ducks, and turkeys. I liked the ducks the most but were definitely the messiest! Best and largest eggs though. Problem is keeping the foxes and coyotes out in the winter in the high country.
I care for two horses daily.
I built their tricked out sheds and mountain terrain figure 8 enclosure.
It’s not that big of a deal to care for them, about an hour a day.

Hay, horse ladies, the the horses disposition are the bigger factors.
It would really only make sense if you had your own horses already. I had horses (3) for about 15 years and would generally board an additional horse. Chores really didn’t change much from where I already at. The one boarded horse allowed me to nearly break even on feed costs, they were responsible for farriers, vet visits etc. The boarding contract required worming and all the other horse care stuff. I picked boarders pretty carefully and really had no problems with any of them. Horses are a lot of work everyday, and after the girls left home, decided I was tired of chipping frozen poop off the ground in -20 blowing weather…..and you do have to repair stuff constantly, they are big and wreck stuff all the time.

I have to say though, the horses gave us a lot of awesome hunts. But, it’s a lot like owning an airplane, it’s a lifestyle not a hobby.
Our place was set up as a horse property when we bought it, the first thing I did was remove all of the gates and fencing infrastructure in and around the pole barn.
The 2nd thing I did was get a homeowners policy that doesn’t allow large animals. This simplifies and prevents a lot of issues.
GF was all into horses, goes to these dumb horse shows still, where chicks dressed as cowboys make a horse dance or some such shit.
Anyway her horse was pretty cool as much as I know about horses, not overly huge. She was near blind, missing many teeth and got caught up in a fence and cut her leg pretty bad. She was over 30 years old as well. Had to have her put down on the boarding property. The owners are good folk, so they let her bury the horse there. Vet came out and did the procedure, GFs son rented a little excavator and dug a hole and they lifted her into it and covered her up.

Just another angle, if a horse gets a serious injury on your property, how would you handle it? Not easy to move a dead horse and have a place to bury it.
Spoken like a guy that knows! lol

Spoken like a guy that knows! lol
This story might or might not be completely true:

Some hunting buddies and I were at a local watering hole having some water, and a pretty young girl joined our group because she so enjoyed what she overheard us talking about.

( I mean she was pretty and young, not that she was pretty young -- Not that there's anything wrong with that.)

We soon found out she rode and trained hunter/jumpers on a farm next door to a few acres of mixed hardwoods near town that I'd gotten permission to hunt since I won the lottery. Naturally Western vs. English came up when she noticed my signature lizard roach-kickers I've worn forever and the End Of The Trail belt buckle I got off e-bay.

She said she'd been captain of the equestrian team at a prestigious Southern university on a scholarship, but I was too much of a gentleman to tell her I'd won a real rodeo buckle at a much more prestigious Southern university just by hanging on.

Well anyway, at that point, seeing how well this girl and I were getting along, my best buddy decides he's going to tell her a story about me. Or a few of them. He launches into the broad brush tale of the girl that broke me.

She was a horse gal, too, a pioneer of barefoot horses and bare-assed magician's misdirection. I had nothing bad to say about her right then, because even years later, I was still trying to figure out what happened.

But my buddy put the fine point on it to this new horse gal. I don't know if he was trying to help me or hurt me.

He looked her dead in the eyes and told her: "Every which way but loose, that girl kicked his ass."

The new girl rocked back a bit at the coarse language, which I might not have fully and accurately translated just now. I might have left some words of emphasis out, or changed them.

However, she was resilient, as anyone who tries to stay attached to a horse must be, and she tried to correct my friend in her Southern English equestrian sort of way.

" 'Rectum'," she chided. "You mean 'rectum'." She returned my friend's stare.

"Wrecked him doesn't touch it, girl! ... Hell, she damn near killed him!"

I had to buy him a beer after that.

Anyway her horse was pretty cool as much as I know about horses, not overly huge. She was near blind, missing many teeth and got caught up in a fence and cut her leg pretty bad. She was over 30 years old as well. Had to have her put down on the boarding property.

I'm sorry to hear about your girlfriend. You're a good man to hang in there with all that.

Especially the over-30 part ...
Has anyone noticed horse ladies talk about twice as loud as the average human?
I guided fly fishing on a ranch that had a horse program and all female handlers. If you forgot for a second that they (thought they were) were a big deal, they were sure to remind you. Except the only legit rider there, she was super chill. The others? Whew.
I guided fly fishing on a ranch that had a horse program and all female handlers. If you forgot for a second that they (thought they were) were a big deal, they were sure to remind you. Except the only legit rider there, she was super chill. The others? Whew.
The only thing worse than the majority of horse girls was all the Wyoming girls at college that tried to dress and act like horse girls simply because they were from Wyoming.

To OP.
There was a place here that would do a very basic horse boarding for like 150 bucks per horse a month. Basically, it was a 100-150 acre pasture that had some warm springs on it. Horse owners were required to feed and do everything for their horses. They had 15-20 horses on it, so it brought in good income and was probably worth having people driving on their property each day at all hours. They also ran a riding school with a big arena and stalls that you could rent. It was a full time operation for them. With only 5, I dont know that you would bring in enough to justify the hassle.
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Has anyone noticed horse ladies talk about twice as loud as the average human?
Thats females in general. Two and above in a group and you need earplugs.
I work with all women, I sit in the break room until day shift leaves.
Very similar to OP, my wife and I left Seattle and moved rural, acquiring an equestrian property in 2021.

Full power, water, and heat to the open-air barn. Enclosed tack room, wash stall, and 4 horse stalls, as well as a 60x120 sand arena. We looked into boarding with her best-friend, who had two horses. All of our neighbors have horses and properties set up for it.

Within 6 months of moving in, one of our neighbors horses somehow got itself asphyxiated on our fence line (luckily on the neighbors own barbwire on his side), another neighbors horse blew through our fence when their new Ridgeback scared it and caused me some serious fence damage, and an entirely different neighbors horse kicked his wife in the back and put her in a wheel-chair permanently. Two out of three of those incidences involved animal control and the sheriff needing to access my property for the sake of their investigation into negligence on my neighbors parts.

I tore down all the hotwire and barbwire so the blacktail could move through more easily, and we put dogs in the stalls now, as others have recommended. I plan to retrofit one stall into a b*tchin chicken coop, and blow down the wall between two of the stalls to make a b*tchin goat stall.

0/10 do not recommend getting into boarding horses based on my limited experience with my neighbors horses.
I guided fly fishing on a ranch that had a horse program and all female handlers. If you forgot for a second that they (thought they were) were a big deal, they were sure to remind you. Except the only legit rider there, she was super chill. The others? Whew.
Most of them seem to think they’re hot s**t and they’re really cold diarrhea
We just had a client killed by her horse. Raised with horses. The most influential "horse" family in the state. She's raised them her entire life. Her barrel horse kicked her in the head and killed her.

To the OP, look into sheep if you want a little side income. Cheap to get started, very little effort and generally profitable. Could also help with tax situation as well.

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You guys all settled it, I WILL NEVER DO IT!!!
Proper response!

My wife boards her two horses. They are a lot of work, cost a lot of money, and if you’re not really experienced with them you (and them) can get in over your head very quickly.