Do you take your clothes off to sleep on a backpack hunt?

Do you take your clothes off to sleep in the back country?

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>40⁰ & I'm freeballing. Nekkid as the day I was born.

If it's super cold, like, sub freezing I'll add a merino beanie & socks.

Honestly, I detest sleeping in clothes & will do most things to avoid it.

Same here. I also have a liner in my sleeping bag. I like sheets. It’s also a snap to yank the liner for washing, vs. washing the bag.

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Once back at camp I change into a dedicated base layer top and bottom that I will sleep in. Other clothes go on top but come off at bedtime.
This. Im fine carrying a few extra oz to have some fresh cloths to sleep in. Feels better and doesnt get my bag dirty. Before changing I take a nice wet wipe bath (you can buy some extra large wet wipes from amazon made for wiping yourself down in the back country)
I have to say that after keeping up with all of the comments, I’m going to change my sleep setup and system.

For no good reason really, I’ve been lugging a big 15 degree bag all over Timbuktu almost regardless of conditions. It could be lows in the 40’s and I’ll still bring my dumb 15 degree bag. Starting in the boy scouts with the “no clothes in the sleeping bag” and was perpetuated at least a little bit in the military. I always have just carried “too much” sleeping bag, and slept in my underwear 99% of the time because if I didn’t I’d be much too hot. Many nights I’ve slept with lows in the 40’s and 50’s with one leg out of the damn thing. It isn’t really comfortable to sleep in until the 30’s, and that’s in boxers.

I realize now that for most of my escapades I could have had a much smaller and lighter and more packable 35 degree bag and… just sleep in base layers and wear socks. And if it’s really cold, add a liner.

Kind of rambling here, but after seeing what a lot of other folks are doing, I’m definitely going to change my setup for the better. I love threads like this.
I made the mistake many years ago of wearing my coveralls , woke up about 0200 and was freezing about 16 outside. The tight clothing no loft and I froze my butt off. Once I unloaded the coveralls and just long johns my bag was warm in about 1/2 hr. Lesson learned. Minimal clothing for sleep.