Do you leave your quiver on or off when elk hunting

A couple years ago I quit using the quiver. I tried the quivilizer but didn’t like that either. I now use a cat quiver. It sits on the right side of my pack and I can pull an arrow out and put an arrow away in seconds. Super quiet and great. It holds 8 arrows I believe. I won’t go back to a bow mounted quiver.
Ain’t no way I’m taking my quiver off. That would be like taking my release off and laying it on a rock, or leaving my pack in the timber where I’ve never set foot thinking it’s gonna be an easy find, or taking my boots off and leaving them in the tall grass or laying my bow down 5 yards away as I eat lunch. Actually did that one time while practicing my elk calls. Yea I blew that one. Anyhow to each his own but you only learn these lessons once🏹🏹🏹
Got an old Trautman hip quiver that I used for years, kinda got away from it and used a TightSpot. Drug the hip quiver back out and refurbished it. Works like a charm.
leave the quiver on hunting and practice with a full quiver
This. Whitetail or elk or practice, I keep the same rig regardless. Not sure if it matters, but also not sure if it doesn’t matter.

I am humble enough to know I need all the help I can get being consistent.

(I also have enough hubris to think the equipment causes the misses and the archer gets credit for the hits 😅)
On. I use a 6-arrow, 2-piece quiver. I alway practice with 5 arrows in the quiver so the balance is consistent with what it will be when I’m hunting.
Made the switch from quiver off to always on two years ago and it has paid off. Made two follow up shots that I never would have gotten off if quiver wasn’t mounted. It was definitely an adjustment and the quiver is annoying when crawling while stalking but I love having arrows at the ready at any time.
My quiver pretty much stays on 90% of the time. I do not want to modify the synergy of the bow once I get it all dialed in. I want a quiet bow as possible. On and off and on and off tends to loosen stuff up. However, when stand sitting, for anything I always pull a second arrow out of the quiver and setup for quick access for a second shot. Sometimes leaned on a log, against a tree or laying parallel across some tree limbs in amongst some leafed branches. Been doing that for about 50 years. The only exception is maybe in a really tight space in a pop up blind or a blind of some kind where I need greater room to move the bow to cover shooting lanes.
Off, I prefer the Catquiver to a bow quiver. So if any of you have an older model like new Catquiver IV you don’t like let me know.
I have always kept my quiver on. Reading about leaving it full while practicing or full minus one got me thinking. I always fill it up and shoot it until it's empty. I want the weights to vary slightly because that it what happens when you hunt. Also I want the practice of removing and loading an arrow every shot. I want to be able to remove and load while keeping my eyes mostly on my target.
I’m one of the odd man out. I tune and practice 90% of the year with quiver off. I split my time chasing high country mule deer and elk. Shooting in the high country typically has some sort of wind, I don’t want any extra wind push or weight on my bow with a full quiver. Elk I’m on and off, I want my first arrow to be my best so I prefer no quiver. If I need a follow up shot it’s on the ground right next to me, grab and go. If quiver is on it’s typically going to be a close shot anyways and less chance of making a bad shot.
I have always had my quiver on the bow when hunting. I practice with it on, off, full and just a couple of arrows in it. I never see a change of impact.