Do you hunt from home?

My deer stand for white tails is about 200 yards from my front door. I bear hunt 1/2 mile north of the house. Leave out the back door to start walking trails for grouse and I goose hunt the neighbor's farm if they've planted something that year to draw geese. I shoot coyotes out of my livingroom window (literally) but that isn't hunting-its killing.
I feel better hunting sleeping in my own bed at night. I enjoy hunting more when I am staying out and really immersed in the experience. I do both when I can and enjoy both ways.
For whitetails, yes. I've got permission at a spot 15 mins away, public land 25 mins away, and a newly acquired plot 1hr 15 away. That last one will be for full weekends, while the closer spots are single sittings at dawn or dusk.

To hunt anything else (aside from the occasional squirrel), I leave Michigan.
Yup, I live half mile from BLM land and can hunt it on foot or by ATV from my house. There are B list cow tags available so I hunt it for fun and the freezer. I’ll archery hunt up higher for elk in years that I don’t break both ankles three days before season begins. That prevented me from getting a cow this third season. I hunted but was limited in what I could do.

Got one this afternoon 50-yards from the house

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I killed two deer and 3 turkeys within 500 yards of my house this year, on my property. I do a lot of hunting on my property.

If I run out of tags around the house, I travel to a unit elsewhere in the state to kill more deer. If I run out of those tags, I’ll head to the state nextdoor.

2 more doe tags left in state in another unit (hunt at my buddies house) and then I’m heading out of state. Hopefully I’ll be one state over come thanksgiving week. I might call it after one more doe even and go chase some antler in the next state over instead.
Yes. I can bird and big game hunt public land 5 minute walk from my house, plus have permission on several neighbors. More public and permission between 10-30 min drive. 40-1hr gets me into national forest and several large state forests, as well as ok waterfowl. 1.5-2hr and I have literally millions of acres of public. None of it is “great”. All of it is “awesome”.
I can and do both. Even living in the heart of good elk country most trailheads are still a 1-2 hour ordeal by the time I get in the truck to the time I am hiking. Dragging my camper or spike camping always seems to be more effective. Too much wasted time and it’s too damn easy to be lazy in the comfort of my home.
Can hunt about 45 min from home and often do. Also hunt 5 hrs from home and overnight. Hunt a flight away for a week.
Ohio whitetail, my stand is 50 yards out my back door. Could shoot them from my kitchen window if I wanted to be divorced. But it's just whitetail. And it's Ohio. So theres that. Usually just doe that come close to the house.
Before I left Wyoming I could, but in terms of wake up, short drive hunt, and also walk from home (both from our main house and our cabin). I killed a pile of elk in a 2 mile circle of our main house over the years. Gave up great easy access hunting when I moved to AK, but I do have a freezer full of salmon every year, though the bulk of our salmon are from a multi day trip that’s a half day drive to get to. I do miss the hunting back home, that’s for sure.

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In the past we’ve hunted leaving to and from the house. But it’s easy a 2 hour drive to our spot one way. Makes for a long day for marginal hunting.

There’s a few closer spots we do but then we’re fighting the high pressure crowds. It’s just ok.

Found it better just to take camp and drive 4 hours and stay for multiple days at a time

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