For years I have struggled to get things right in a sleeping bag. I usually am hot the first part of the night and cold in the early mornings. What I've noticed sleeping in a wiggy's superlight with the overbag is I am pretty comfortable regardless of the temperature. I haven't had it below zero but slept in it pretty close to zero, and as warm as 30 degree's and have been comfortable throughout the night. I do notice that in the mornings the overbag is damp around my core (pretty gross), but I'm wondering if the moisture my body releases throughout the night is what's making my sleeping bag experiences uncomfortable. Anybody else figured this out? The Wiggy's bags have been super comfy but it's obviously not a backpacking bag. How can I achieve comfort backpacking in a lighter package? I have a Western Mountaineering Badger (15* bag) that I slept in last weekend at about 12*F and was super comfy but the next night it was more like 22*F and I was sweating the first part of the night and cold in the morning. I have also slept in the superlight alone at around 20* and had the same unpleasant sensation, so it seems like it is the two bags together that makes them breath better? Seems strange but I'm hoping somebody out there has it figured out.
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