I Cant help but ponder this from my few years of studying and learning in preparation to hunt out west. Any of you guys who live out west have dream hunts that can only be found here in the East or South?
I've been in Colorado for only a few months (moved from western NY), and I know that come May, I will be longing for Eastern turkey hunts. But that's about it.
Nope. Only thing that might be of interest would be turkeys but anymore there are plenty of turkeys in the West. Maybe some exotic out of Texas when I can't chase elk anymore.
I miss hunting back home (Vermont and Pennsylvania) just because it was a ton of fun. It’s been a long while since I did much hunting back east as I prefer it out here.
Went back last year and shot a buck in CNY, the only thing I miss about hunting in the east is hunting with old friends and family. Other than that, I had more fun chasing muleys all over than sitting in one spot all day
I Cant help but ponder this from my few years of studying and learning in preparation to hunt out west. Any of you guys who live out west have dream hunts that can only be found here in the East or South?
I'll leave the desert and cross the Mississippi at least once a year for the rest of my life, just so I can chase Osceolas .
A Maine moose to bookend one from Alaska seems like a pretty cool idea some day.
I grew up in Maine hearing hunting stories from my dad about his grandfather, but he (my father) stopped hunting when his gramps passed, so I grew up without it. Now that I've come to love hunting living in Montana, I'd love to go back to Maine and spend some time hunting whitetails on my families property, and dream of hunting a northern Maine moose some day.