DO NOT tell your non hunting friends you killed an elk...

What has surprised me is that people I dont know that well at all will just come right out and ask for some. It is always awkward. Would you ask someone for their tomatoes in there garden out of the blue? Heck no! And think how easy that is compared to elk hunting! I share some of my wild game, but with people I choose who will appreciate it and not people I barely know.
Having wild game meat gets me invited to a lot of BBQ potlucks. Anything still in the freezer when I need to make room goes into sausage.
While part of me really likes to share, over the years I honestly share less and less. I know that sounds bad but I get tired of people expecting meat from my hunts. The old "looking forward to trying some" has become less and less flavorful for me. Especially when, like you mentioned, a few people tell others in the neighborhood and then you look like a jerk for not sharing with everyone. The whole thing underscores the fact that most of those people are completely undeserving of the expected free handout.

Sorry to sound harsh but it has bothered me more and more over the years. The people that I share with are very close friends and family who would never think to ask, which is why they get some. Everyone else I tell to buy a hunting license, get a tag, and go hunt. Get your own damn meat.

"Let me buy some off you, how much per lb?" is something I get all the time. I am glad I can just respond with, "I'm sorry, that is illegal" instead of "f*ck no!". haha

I had one friend that was honest and even replied, "that is probably good so it doesn't sit in my freezer for a year or so".

I usually follow up with an open invite to have them over for dinner and I will cook something up.
Having wild game meat gets me invited to a lot of BBQ potlucks. Anything still in the freezer when I need to make room goes into sausage.

Back in October of 2010 a fellow construction superintendent invited me to his 2nd annual beer brats and bluegrass bash. I took my wok, disc and elk meat and cooked elk fajitas. He warned me that there would be mostly hippies and treehuggers so I was prepared for the onslaughts. After some convincing conversation beer drinking and dope smoking all around me, I was asked to come back and cook elk for them the following year. The tree hugging dope smoking hippies actually came away from that experience with a new found attitude for wild game and respect for bow hunters. Granted that was just a small sample of hippies/treehuggers/potheads, but it goes to show that with the right conversations people can change. Of course I had to have an open mind towards their pot smoking but in the end it was a great party that ended well.
Back in October of 2010 a fellow construction superintendent invited me to his 2nd annual beer brats and bluegrass bash. I took my wok, disc and elk meat and cooked elk fajitas. He warned me that there would be mostly hippies and treehuggers so I was prepared for the onslaughts. After some convincing conversation beer drinking and dope smoking all around me, I was asked to come back and cook elk for them the following year. The tree hugging dope smoking hippies actually came away from that experience with a new found attitude for wild game and respect for bow hunters. Granted that was just a small sample of hippies/treehuggers/potheads, but it goes to show that with the right conversations people can change. Of course I had to have an open mind towards their pot smoking but in the end it was a great party that ended well.
Being that I’m from California, we have all the dope you can smoke but nobody I know has an ounce of elk meat.

"Let me buy some off you, how much per lb?" is something I get all the time. I am glad I can just respond with, "I'm sorry, that is illegal" instead of "f*ck no!". haha

I had one friend that was honest and even replied, "that is probably good so it doesn't sit in my freezer for a year or so".

I usually follow up with an open invite to have them over for dinner and I will cook something up.
I did some math on it. Took me 4 seasons to get one, plus all the incidentals, plus my time, so about 45 dollars per pound. Pretty sure I won't have many takers 😁
Back in October of 2010 a fellow construction superintendent invited me to his 2nd annual beer brats and bluegrass bash. I took my wok, disc and elk meat and cooked elk fajitas. He warned me that there would be mostly hippies and treehuggers so I was prepared for the onslaughts. After some convincing conversation beer drinking and dope smoking all around me, I was asked to come back and cook elk for them the following year. The tree hugging dope smoking hippies actually came away from that experience with a new found attitude for wild game and respect for bow hunters. Granted that was just a small sample of hippies/treehuggers/potheads, but it goes to show that with the right conversations people can change. Of course I had to have an open mind towards their pot smoking but in the end it was a great party that ended well.
Some hippy treehuggers hunt elk themselves: I'm one of them. When people try to put whole groups of folks in one bucket, they usually don't fit. For the last decade I've never had any of my numerous uber liberal friends come to a dinner party of wild game with anything other than alms, gratitude and appreciation. The vegans don't partake but they don't judge either, they especially appreciate the ethics and the craft (I always hook them up with some veggie courses they appreciate anyway).
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I started locking my freezer after I found out my wife was telling her friends every time I got a deer. Then the vultures came out of the woodwork looking for handouts.

95% sure she was giving them meat, hence the LOCK.
Venison I don't really give much away, but cougar and bear...I handed it out like candy. Why? Because everyone knows you hunt deer to eat them. But when some yuppy from work sits down to a dinner of cougar burgers...his kids will remember that. He and his wife will remember it. They'll talk about it and tell people about how good it was.

Then the boss's dumbass wife will find out and I'll get fired for some very minor BS, but whatever, my job now is way better.
Back in October of 2010 a fellow construction superintendent invited me to his 2nd annual beer brats and bluegrass bash. I took my wok, disc and elk meat and cooked elk fajitas. He warned me that there would be mostly hippies and treehuggers so I was prepared for the onslaughts. After some convincing conversation beer drinking and dope smoking all around me, I was asked to come back and cook elk for them the following year. The tree hugging dope smoking hippies actually came away from that experience with a new found attitude for wild game and respect for bow hunters. Granted that was just a small sample of hippies/treehuggers/potheads, but it goes to show that with the right conversations people can change. Of course I had to have an open mind towards their pot smoking but in the end it was a great party that ended well.
Totally agree, some have started to hunt as well, spiritual endeavor with clean eating, perfect match, plus most are already accomplished hikers/backcountry campers. I have learned from them as well.
I usually give away a fair amount of venison and I just shot my first elk a couple weeks ago and people are coming out of the woodwork asking for it, I keep getting the “have any extra elk meat?” I’m having trouble giving any of it away, I may just give them venison and hope they don’t know the difference
After getting my moose this year, I had many folks say to me "I've never had moose before". And my reply was always the same......."if you really want some moose meat, you should be able to get a cow moose tag in just a few years".
My favorite is "hey can you shoot me a deer? I'll pay for the processing and I will even pay you for the deer."
I'm like, "ya I tell you what I cant accept money to shoot deer because its agsinst the law but if you pay your part for the deer lease fees, supplemental feeding and the food plots and you dont ever show your face on the property I will shoot you 4 does....."

"Well how much is that?"


"Oh thats too expensive for me"

Ash cash or gas - Nobody rides for free and I dont gut deer for fun.
I always share with people. It’s a good way to introduce people to what we do that may be on the fence. It starts the conversation of why I do it and what it all entails. I haven’t flipped any vegans but I have a guy I work with who will only eat wild game I bring him in for meat.

I’ve also got a few old timer patients that are too old to elk hunt anymore and their eyes light up when I ask if they want me to bring them in some elk, same with pheasants for that matter.