Spot Hogg Hunting/3-D question


Sep 14, 2021
I currently have a Fast Eddie XL. For this next season I want to start shooting 3-D also. I have both double and triple stack housings. I am going to get a boonie body and put the sight housing on it. I am thinking of going back to the two pin housing because it's smaller and I can dial more range out of it for the 3-D matches.
Does anyone have experience running a hybrid hunting/target rig and what sights work best for it?
I've used my fast eddy for several years with a two pin housing on it. I then swap it out to a 5 pin after 3d shoots are over. Works well for me.

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Are you dialing each shot?

Or shooting a fixed pin class?

I think horizontal pins are way better for a fixed pin class because you can see your gaps, vertical make it difficult to gap shoot.

If dialing for all shots, I'd probably just go to a single pin, but if you already have a double pin, that gets you close without buying anything else.
I have the Spot Hoggf Fast Eddie XL Triple also.
I would assume your shots are probably longer than ours are here for 3D being in the midwest. But for me with 3D I just dial and use the top pin for pretty much everything.
When Im hunting here at home my pin sets are 20,30,40 and I dial for anything over that.
Works for what I do for me.