Do I need a case tumbler?


Mar 28, 2016
Syracuse, NY
I agree it's not something you need just starting out but I like using mine now.
Only running 50 or 100rd batches and this cuts out some time if you like things cleaned up.


Jul 28, 2019
New to reloading.

I’m on firing number 5 for .223 and 6ARC hand loads.

Very low volume, but I just wipe each case neck with a paper towel as I set them in case tray to be sprayed with lube. Then resize.

Press and dies run great and have noticed no extra effort or change in accuracy from first firing to 5th.

I will say I’m loading some 6x45 right now. Fresh .223 brass resized really easy with little force. I decided to try a handful of fired rounds to see if it was the same as my normal experience. It requires significantly more force to neck up. Won’t be doing that again, as my press is held on to edge of table with clamps and isn’t worth the potential for knocking things loose.

The answer, like many here, is it depends. What are you loading, how good of a shot are you, how precise is the rest of you entire system?

I wonder if my answer would change if it spent more than 50 bucks on my dies. Or if I was shooting long range consistently.