Do all semi 20

Another vote for a Montefeltro. I think mine weighs about 5.5lbs with a 26" barrel. It sure is nice to carry through the thick stuff that we grouse hunt in.
I like inertia guns and for my preference the M2 and Affinity are hard to beat with a slight edge towards the M2 mainly because of the comfort tech stock, though both have served me well. Same goes for the montefeltro, it's been very reliable and easy to carry while looking great if wood matters
Weatherby element or sa-08 depending if you want gas or inertia. My wife has both and I steal her element for grouse every single time I can. Light, handy and has been super reliable feeding any shells I throw at it. The price was right too. I think on sale I paid 430 for it at reeds. I have an element tungsten in 12 and I love it too. Can't say enough good about them for the money.
Just stay away from Tri Star...
I'm curious as to why stay away

I've got a few friends that got the viper g2 for their kids and have good luck with them, enough so I'm looking into getting the turkey model in 20ga

I know a guy whos had 0 issues and would rank his tristar next to his 870, above the 1100, and at ranks if not better than 1187. Its no citori, but its his go to.

tends to outshoot at the trap/skeet fields too..
Coming from a 20g 870, a 12g 1187, a 20g 1100, a 20g viper g2, a 410 viper g2, and a 12g citori, I find my self grabbing the 20g viper g2 more often than not for squirrel, rabbit, deer (season permitting) upland, skeet, trap because 9/10 it works, 9/10 it's fine for brush busting, and 9/10 it's the right gun.

I've moved away from safe queens, multitudes and paired down to one rifle-one shotgun- and noticed my competency, proficiency and general experiences have increased.

Next up is pairing down to 1 pistol.
Another vote for Montefeltro or M2... been using them for years with light loads and never an issue.
The new beretta turkey gun is right in your specs.
I bought a CZ compact last year. Took one shot and it blew to hell. Sent it back to CZ and was told I shouldn’t use turkey loads. I used a 2 3/4” tss load with 1 1/8oz (I think) . Not heavy at all. Strange that I can’t use a hunting load for a hunting gun.