DIY Rifle Paint Job?


Jul 5, 2012
NW Arkansas
I've seen a thread like this before, but I guess it was on another forum. I wan't able to find anything on this searching through old threads.

Has anyone painted their own gun? If so, let's hear the process and see some pics of how it turned out. Also, I'd like to hear how the paint job has help up.

I'm looking at getting a synthetic rifle, but I want something more exciting that the normal all black. Just wanting some ideas.

I recently joined snipers hide and there is a lot of info on this subject in the diy forum. One guy made an oven out of a box and heat lamps to bake dura hide I think. Good stuff
I watched my bro duracoat my Kimber came out pretty nice and he does a good job. Wasn't exactly DIY as my little bro did it for me, but it came out ot my liking. He's got more artistic talent in his pinky while I struggle drawing stick figures ;)

I did my sons Tikka T3 lite with Krylon camouflage spray paint. I just shot a basecoat over the entire stock then just freehand added different camouflage colors here and there. I finished off with some black random stripes then shot it with a matte clearcoat. I think it turned out pretty good and it blends in very well with the rocks that we have around here. I mainly did it because I hated the original black finish of the stock.
I did my sons Tikka T3 lite with Krylon camouflage spray paint. I just shot a basecoat over the entire stock then just freehand added different camouflage colors here and there. I finished off with some black random stripes then shot it with a matte clearcoat. I think it turned out pretty good and it blends in very well with the rocks that we have around here. I mainly did it because I hated the original black finish of the stock.

Very nice!
Thanks for the feedback guys. That snipers hide forum has some awesome diy paint jobs on it. I did notice on there that plenty of them painted the entire gun; barrel, action, even scope.

Do any of you have experience doing that? I think doing the stock myself would be pretty easy, but wouldn't painting the action affect performance?

And those are some good looking paint jobs fellas.
A buddy of mine did his mountain rifle. He just pulled the bolt out, taped off inside the action, taped off the scope glass, and shot it. He also shot the bolt handle. Definitely not as pretty as a custom dip job, but probably works just as well and costs a whole lot less. I don't think the rifle that I painted helps really with concealing it from view of the game we're hunting, I just think it looks better to me.
Got ya AK. I feel the same way you do. I'm not doing it to help conceal, I just think they look way better painted up than straight black.

The fully painted jobs on that sniper hide forum are pretty sweet. Check them out under their DIY section if you have time.
Did the factory stock on my Tikka t3 this weekend. Turned out cool and it was pretty easy.

For those that have used krylon , how does it hold up to cleaning solvents ? I had a rifle that had a home camo paint job that the paint dissolved with some over spray from powder blast. I don't know what the girlfriend who painted it for me used and I don't think I would get a civil answer if I tracked her down to ask :D.
Brock inspired me when he started sending me pics of his stock so I got off my butt and painted my .243

I bought the stencil at the craft store for $5.99

You guys are inspiring me to grab an unfired Savage 111 in 30-06 with black syn stock I inherited & see what I can do! Nothing to loose:rolleyes: