DIY Moose hunting trip 2020

Dec 20, 2018
I have spent many hours researching/planning for a DIY 2020 moose hunt. I got the ball rolling last year with the hopes of making it out for a 2019 moose hunt, but my hunting buddy and I could not make the dates work out. This fall I picked up where I left off and started making the calls to a few of the air taxi's I spoke with the previous year. The more research I did made me want to focus my efforts flying out of a small town instead of Fairbanks or Anchorage to try and hunt as remotely as possible. I have also PM'd a few active members on this forum and another forum I belong to prior to posting a thread knowing others like this exist.

If anyone would kindly pass along any useful information to assist my search I would greatly appreciate it. Locking down an air taxi is my biggest concern at the moment. Second would be, do you leave the specific area up to the air taxi or do you have to provide them with a general area? I would love a drop hunt above tree line and hunting down into the low lands, but would be very content on a lakes edge hunting up.

Thanks guys!
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Dec 24, 2012
Delta Jct, Alaska
Welcome Michael!

You're not alone in your search for a good fly-in moose hunt. The demand exceeds the
supply and the areas are getting smaller as ATVs encroach further into the bush every year.

Good luck!
Dec 20, 2018
Welcome Michael!

You're not alone in your search for a good fly-in moose hunt. The demand exceeds the
supply and the areas are getting smaller as ATVs encroach further into the bush every year.

Good luck!

I have looked into hunting small creeks and sloughs accessing them with a canoe or hiking into the back country a short distance to hunt the areas the 4-wheelers and planes pass, but can not be seen from the road systems. This is looking to be more of an option as talking with air taxis isn't panning out.

I am kind of using this forum as a last ditch effort to gather information from hunters who have had an enjoyable/safe trip with a certain air taxi that isn't one of the big names such as papa bear and 40 mile air (nothing against those companies at all).


Jan 3, 2019
I did a DIY moose/caribou hunt out of Dillingham awhile back. I’m not sure that area is on your list of potential moose areas but we used Bay Air and had a great experience. I’d be happy to share details if that area is near where you are planning to hunt.
Nov 3, 2017
I've only done 4 moose-specific fly outs up to this point so I'm far from an expert but I can share what little I know. My opinions are worth as much as you paid for em.

Are you a resident? I've only hunted in areas where I can get an any bull tag. There are several areas if you are a resident. I can only think of one area that has any bull general tags for non-residents but I have never had a reason to look further into it so double check. My wife loves and expects moose meat. We always drop the first bull that will be easy to pack to the pick up location. That has been as big as 64 inches and as little as 40. I just don't like the pressure of judging a bull that is rolling country for legality; especially if it’s the only opportunity I may get on a trip.

A huge over-looked resource is transporter companies. Bristol bay is packed with these kinds of outfits. Guys that service fishing and mining camps that have a transporters license but don't really advertise hunting drops because it's not their gravy and they're busy doing other things. A lot of times you can get these guys for an hourly rate. Find a village that isn’t a disaster to get to, google flight companies there, and give them a call. You will need to do the large share of the research going this route and cover more of the logistics (raft, tent, etc.) but you may be looking at 1/3 to 1/2 the price. The odds of success probably drop from booking with a company that is giving you a full of moose hunt package. I could go with a moose hunting outfit once every three years and have close to a 100% chance of getting a bull or I can go every year with lower odds. I like to odds of getting it done with my research usually every year and at minimum every other year. The cheapest I’ve done a moose hunt including flights from Anchorage, shipping, raft rental, and air transport was about $2200. That is after everything was split between two guys.

With that being said, there is TONS of value and a lot less head ache going with an outfit that does all the planning for you and you just show up with your clothes, food, and weapon.
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Dec 13, 2018
I did a DIY moose/caribou hunt out of Dillingham awhile back. I’m not sure that area is on your list of potential moose areas but we used Bay Air and had a great experience. I’d be happy to share details if that area is near where you are planning to hunt.
Pootros, can you pm me your info? I'd like to get your thoughts on bay air and hear about your trip. Or call or text me at 4074939488
Mar 19, 2019
Hello everyone. I just posted a thread on How to ship meat and antlers from Alaska. I own AK Trophy Expediters LLC in Anchorage, AK and I specialize in getting all of your stuff home for the cheapest route possible. If you have any questions about that part of your planning let me know. Or if you have any general questions let me know I will try to help out the best I can.
I know planning a Alaska hunt is overwhelming so if I can make stuff less stressful let me know.
Jul 23, 2017
Just did a DIY self float drag trip last year. It was an amazing trip. Lots of moose and pretty good weather. Take advantage of the days that are nice and hunt hard. I planned for the rain but the fog was tough. I would get a different game plan together for each type of weather. Make sure you don't waste a day frustrated about the weather. (Glassing, calling, covering ground). Plan out some loops you can hike or trails you can sit, on days when you can't glass. Buddy got a 58" on take 2, I passed on a 60"-65" day 3, and didnt get another opportunity.(slight regrets) Any questions, feel free to PM me.

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Jul 23, 2017
It was day 3 of an 11 day trip, had seen a ton of moose. I didnt want the trip to end in 3 days and thought there would be a larger bull in the area. Never saw one bigger. Went after him day 10 but he was in a tough place to hunt. I found the shed from him on day 6, which made me want to shoot him. That's where the slight regret comes in. If I went back next year, I would make the same decision under the same scenario, and possibly have the same regrets. I can't shoot a 70" if I shoot a 63ish. :) Buddy shot this one on day two. I will get the pic of the other one(passed on bull) off my old phone.

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Jul 23, 2017
Best photo we could get through binos. When we saw him we thought he was closer to mid 50s. After finding his shed and comparing it to the 58" we realized he was low to mid 60s.

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Jan 5, 2020
I did a DIY moose/caribou hunt out of Dillingham awhile back. I’m not sure that area is on your list of potential moose areas but we used Bay Air and had a great experience. I’d be happy to share details if that area is near where you are planning to hunt.

Hello I booked a 2020 diy moose hunt with bay air can you share your experience
and any advice would be appreciated.