Fair enough.
- Egg carton
- Drier Lint
- Wax (order perifin wax blocks from amazon)
- Stainless steel bowl and pot to make a double boiler
- Optional: Wax iron for skis or snowboards.
- Collect egg cartons (paper/carboard construction, not plastic) and lint from your clothes drier.
- When you have quite a bit of drier lint filling up the egg cartons, you’re ready to make up a batch.
- Melt the wax in your double boiler or use the wax iron. The wax iron is slower, so I prefer the double boiler.
- Pour the wax evenly into the carton cups over the drier lint. How full you fill the cups will determine the longevity of burn time of your fire starters. I usually go over half to 3/4 of the cup. This will get you a burn time of 10-15 minutes/fire starter.
- Cut each cup and store where and however you like.
I keep a full bag of these (18 or so) in my camper. I then have a couple (two is one, one is none) in my outdoor backpacks, snowmobiles, truck, etc. I light them with the trusty Bic lighter with the safety device removed from the flint wheel…because who wants to deal with that with cold hands.
With the burn duration of the fire starters, you can get a fire going when it’s wet and/or snowy outside. However, you still need to know how to build a fire for these to work in those conditions. You can’t just set them under a wet log and expect great results.
Lastly, this is not my idea but I have used it extensively and they work great. I got this off a Cliff Grey YouTube vid.
Another hack I discovered for a fire starter is using a charcoal chimney. You can shove a bunch of kindling sized twigs and branches in the chimney vertically. Throw a piece of newspaper or a brown paper bag under there and light it like it was charcoal. Once the fuel is cooking well, pour it out and you have yourself a fire. I use this one at home in backyard fire pit or at base camp.
Only a fool uses gasoline to light a fire.