DIY coffee roaster

Ridiculous right? I have one of those too (KBGV Select). Is it better? Probably not but it is nice to look at :)

Coffee brewers in general have gotten better so the advantage of the Moccamaster is less, much less. At the time I bought my MM you couldn't find a coffee maker that got water over 160 degrees. Now I've got a newer Mr Coffee in my deer truck camper that exceeds 195 and though it might be just the hunting environment I think it produces better coffee than my MM.

Home roasting definitely saves money on excellent coffee roasted just like you want it. If Charbucks or Black Rifle is worth $13 for 12 oz my coffee is easily worth $35. Green coffee beans are $5-7 per pound which makes 14-15 oz of roasted coffee. Takes me about 30 minutes to roast a pound.

My first Poppery II cost $7 on ebay and lasted for over 5 years. Now everyone has figured out the Poppery II will roast coffee and they've shot up substantially in price. I've owned a few real dedicated coffee air roasters and they are not long term investments. Most are junk if you roast a pound a week with a lot more parts than a popcorn popper.
I have two of the original Poppery’s, one for backup. The originals are a far better made machine than the II’s (had one and it eventually fried). You are correct in that they are expensive to buy now that this has become a thing. Not sure what I’d do if I were to start over now. Savings are even greater if you were used to buying the premiums like Intelligentsia, Stumptown and the like. Forget black rifle and starbucks, those are awful in comparison to the premiums and home roasted.
I just look at it in terms of savings. Two pounds a week on average means I save upwards of 10 bucks a week on just beans. That's more than $500 a year. Even a more modest savings will give you plenty of money every year to buy a roaster.

It gets even easier to justify a roaster if someone in your family is a coffee shop person. Clive coffee put together a calculator to justify buying an espresso setup.
