Dimensions of a mature buck track?

I harvested a 190" buck in Colorado years ago. When he stepped in soft dirt or snow his track looked extra long. When I finally got my hands on him he had really long hooves that curled slightly up at the front. He was in need of a good hoof trim. They looked like what you might see in a farm raised deer. I had never seen that before....wish I took a picture.
Yes, the wide blocky hard pressed down look is something you look for. And beyond that, when you follow him, look for other clues like - does he go around or thru narrow gaps the does go thru...or even passing by a sapling the big bucks often step one leg way out to the side because of their thicker chest and hopefully wide rack and tipping their head makes them do what physics demands. Often their whole trail gives you a feel for their personality/age, younger bucks may glide right down thru an opening, and mature bucks may stop and survey said danger area and maybe consider it, but then skirt around. I absolutely LOVE tracking. Mulies or whitetails. And elk. And bear. And Marten🙂