
I can tell you from leasing large acreage out there, that I have literally gone 5 days and not seen a mature deer, to 4 of us tagging out the next week on 6.5 year old deer from 150-200. That’s the magic or hate to love of the greasewood desert. I have driven by 180 in deer(with in yards) that never moved. We didn’t see him until he were 500 yards away glassing back.

300k is a blessing and a curse because you can’t cover it all well, infact you drive by deer you should of stopped and glassed up, cruising and looking for the low hanging fruit

Just how hunting goes, forget the heads, relish the time with pops
That's where I'm at now!
No my dad shot a small 140s class maybe 5 yo buck. I didn't pull a trigger. Could have shot a small 3x3 that was older over a bale of alfalfa mid way thru but that is not my type of hunting...the hunt progressively got smaller to where we were just hunting the hay stack bc that is the only place we could find a lot of does to watch.
Wow, so you went and had a 50% success rate hunt & are upset. Stick to outfitted hunts or you'll really be disappointed. Just screams spoiled rotten.
I’ll be the odd man out here as a Texas and say I’m pretty confident I know who you hunted with. I didn’t pay near what you paid but took a ride for two different seasons on the border. The sell is a hunt with a lot of opportunities if you “put in the work” but there just aren’t the animals advertised.

If I don’t have to legally have a guide to hunt an area or species it’s no longer for me. You are gonna have to chalk it up as a learning lesson, and I promise it could have been worse. Either way, I understand where you are coming from.
I’ll be the odd man out here as a Texas and say I’m pretty confident I know who you hunted with. I didn’t pay near what you paid but took a ride for two different seasons on the border. The sell is a hunt with a lot of opportunities if you “put in the work” but there just aren’t the animals advertised.

If I don’t have to legally have a guide to hunt an area or species it’s no longer for me. You are gonna have to chalk it up as a learning lesson, and I promise it could have been worse. Either way, I understand where you are coming from.
Yep sounds like the same guy, and I have learned a lot in the last 8 hrs (and found a few others whon felt burned/false advertising from the fellow). Wish I had pushed harder prior to the hunt but I trusted they had my best interest. He should stick to the auodad hunts is my thinking...
Wow, so you went and had a 50% success rate hunt & are upset. Stick to outfitted hunts or you'll really be disappointed. Just screams spoiled rotten.
So feeling deceived for goods and services they paid for makes someone spoiled, good to know...pretty trolly post.

This was not a drop camp public land hunt this was supposed to be a primo hunt on a big ranch hunting mule deer with rifles in the rut. I tried to pay to even the odds, it did not work out. That's all there is to it.

Are you in any type of customer service business? If so do you accuse your customer of being spoiled if things are not to their satisfaction? That's not how I conduct mine...I make it right.
Did you have private access at the time of your hunt?
Were you promise a specific class or aged deer?

You said it yourself, when you hunt there are times you see one deer and that deer gets shot or you're skunked.

You said this was a mule deer hunt and you saw deer and harvested a deer along with a second buck opportunity. I'd say you got what you paid for.

Where are you seeing 6.5-7.5 year old mule deer regularly? Good gawd, give me the coordinates so I can visit this holy land.

It's not a canned hunt, not a magic wishing well. I've paid for access and had to walk away with my gun never even chambered. Tis what it tis.

Edit: I question the limitations placed on the hunt due to your father's advanced years. Nothing wrong with age, but was it also a factor in not giving into the deep woods where the monsters live.
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Good to hear. I am headed to the general area Auodad hunting on Sunday.
Blast away. I despise them at this point. Never had much interest in exotics personally but I've shot my fill just by circumstances of growing up in centex and hunting SW Texas...
Tons, way more sheep than deer. They are a problem.

I would be upset as well. Did you see any bucks that would meet the advertised standard? Or did your Dad shoot the biggest you saw? It's not like you were snowed in unable to put miles on to find deer. Sounds like you could have looked for another week and not find what you were looking for.
So feeling deceived for goods and services they paid for makes someone spoiled, good to know...pretty trolly post.

This was not a drop camp public land hunt this was supposed to be a primo hunt on a big ranch hunting mule deer with rifles in the rut. I tried to pay to even the odds, it did not work out. That's all there is to it.

Are you in any type of customer service business? If so do you accuse your customer of being spoiled if things are not to their satisfaction? That's not how I conduct mine...I make it right.

You “make it right” if a customer has unreasonable expectations?
I would be upset as well. Did you see any bucks that would meet the advertised standard? Or did your Dad shoot the biggest you saw? It's not like you were snowed in unable to put miles on to find deer. Sounds like you could have looked for another week and not find what you were looking for.
We saw a few bigger bucks that were off limits due to young age and not what I was looking for, so I'd say he shot the biggest one we saw and were allowed to shoot.

I'm coming to terms with reality. I had unrealistic expectations and whether those were put there by the outfitter or not, I'm holding the bag and I have to just move on.
You obviously did not read the whole thread. I don't care that I didn't kill something. It was a shitty hunting experience as far as seeing animals relative to what was advertised and thats all there is too it. There's nothing entitled about being upset that expectations were not met, and seeking other perspectives since I really had no baseline from previous experiences. I am more educated that I was before, and my emotions are subsiding due to that fact. I would call that maturing and learning from an experience. If you think that is a bad thing then so be it.
If it is free range you have to understand that's part of any hunt when you don't see the game. I've gone to places where there were Mulies all over the damn place to nothing at the same spot a day later. Weather and nature control that, not the outfitter.
Guess he didn’t like the responses.

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Appears not. He deleted his original post and changed the thread title to “Deleted”.

Came back all hot after not killing a giant buck on a guided hunt, started this thread, didn’t like the responses received from the forum members, deleted his post, and then changed the thread title to “deleted”.

Makes you wonder what the outfitters version of events is. Someone he’d like to have back in camp?