Deformed bullet tips in mag


Aug 30, 2012
I’ve got a Win M70 7mag that smashes bullet tips In the mag under recoil. Anything I can do to reduce this? Stiffer mag spring or stretch mine?
I normally shoot Hornady GMX out of this gun and even the plastic tips get deformed.
If you are shooting at normal hunting distances (400yds and closer) don't worry about it. You can take the tip right off of a plastic tipped bullet and not notice a difference. If you are talking long range then may want to look at something.
as a general rule tip damage does not translate into bad accuracy but base damage does.

but i would figure there is a limit to this rule and at a certain distance it will change the BC and therefore affect the accuracy.
Well, yeah, somewhat LR, out to 700 or so, which is why I’m asking.

for that distance if it is breaking off tips or bending them 90 degrees worry about it. if it is just flattening them a little still not a big deal. Maybe post a pic to show the damage for reference.