Ultrathon (3M deet product) + nitrile glove to likely spots (waist and lower legs). Once I've applied Ultrathon with a glove I never reapply in the field.
Permethrin to clothing including socks and underwear and hat well before hitting the woods.
The "Euro deet" (20% Picardin) works fine but needs more frequent application. The Ultrathon was developed for the military and works a long time if you don't use soap to wash it off.
I don't particularly like deet but I sure don't want that Lone Star tick causing a red meat allergy!
Anyone have ideas to get deet out of a soaked leather knife sheath and wood knife handle? I had a bottle leak in my door panel with knife stored in there. Took a couple months to find it.
Deet is really bad. Last summer the mosquitos were bad, sprayed it all over me, including on my face and head. Some how it got in my respiratory system an through sweeting it got in my blood stream. Long story short it attacked my nervous system and cost me 4 days in the hospital. Now I can not even smell it without getting a head ache.