Decoys- Heads Up or Ultimate Predator Gear?


Aug 31, 2016
I'm looking to buy some decoys for archery hunting, one each of whitetail, mule deer, and antelope. Does anyone have experience with either of these brands? Pros, cons of each? Any info is appreciated.
I have the heads up MD and WT and had the moose from Ultimate predator. My experience, bow mounted units look good on paper, but I don't know how you could use them where I hunt. It's hard to keep steady with a full quiver of arrows in the wind, having a kite tied to your bow is much worse. I prefer heads up and just anchoring on a pole and hide behind it.
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I have the Heads Up and highly recommend.
Very effective on whitetails during the rut.
I tried an ultimate predator decoy and heads up. I prefer the heads up as it is more versatile. I can clip it to something, take it on and off my bow mount easily, and lay my bow on its side while in the bow mount.

The ultimate predator was more difficult to attach in the field and seems to get misaligned more easily
Thanks for the info. Now the question is, do I go with a buck or doe? I was thinking buck for whitetail and doe for mule deer.
Ive got both, and both have their advantages and disadvantages. I like the simplicity of folding down the Heads Up, but really like shooting thru the middle of the Ultimate Predator.
Love the flexability of the Heads Up. Not windy, put it on bow. Windy, take it off and use ground stake, brush clamp or hand hold it.
You are spot on for the sex, buck WT and doe MD.
I have a white tail, turkey and a elk ultimate Predator decoy and very pleased with them all. Once you figure out how to mount them it is not a problem. Folding takes a few times to learn what you need to do but it is easy as well