Decisions of a 23 year old/2019 Hunts

Tomorrow is the day! Out of Buffalo at 6 am, to Denver by 10. Then heading out of Denver at 6 pm and getting back to Buffalo at 1 am. It is going to be a long day. I am praying for the best on this. I made my current employer aware of the situation and they are fully preparing to replace me before we get busy this summer. I am being transitioned out and that is pretty scary to me. I know that whatever happens, it will be for the best!
Tomorrow is the day! Out of Buffalo at 6 am, to Denver by 10. Then heading out of Denver at 6 pm and getting back to Buffalo at 1 am. It is going to be a long day. I am praying for the best on this. I made my current employer aware of the situation and they are fully preparing to replace me before we get busy this summer. I am being transitioned out and that is pretty scary to me. I know that whatever happens, it will be for the best!

Good luck! Don’t take it personally that your employer is preparing to move on, they need to plan for what’s best just as you do.
I know a lot of guys from back east, NE especially. I dont know one that wants to go back. Plenty of beauty back east, just a little more room to roam out here.
Tomorrow is the day! Out of Buffalo at 6 am, to Denver by 10. Then heading out of Denver at 6 pm and getting back to Buffalo at 1 am. It is going to be a long day. I am praying for the best on this. I made my current employer aware of the situation and they are fully preparing to replace me before we get busy this summer. I am being transitioned out and that is pretty scary to me. I know that whatever happens, it will be for the best!

Good luck! In my 20s I lived frugally, saved a lot of money and then spent most of it on experiences/travelling. It put me behind financially a little later but the experiences I had I wouldn't trade for any amount of money. As long as you listen to your own voice and not generic societal expectations bullshit about what a young man should do with his life, you'll be in good shape.
I'm from NY and I wish I never settled here. I wish I would have moved out west, but that is the way things played out for me. If I were you I would make the move and take the guide opportunity for this season only while looking for a job in your current field or another field of your choosing while setting up you life out west if that is where you really want to be. Nothing wrong with trying something or learning from a pro while also looking for a full time career. You will be out there and be able to interview which is something you couldn't do from NY.
Got back from Colorado this morning at 2 a.m. and was at work by 6. Sat down to check emails, and don't you know it I have a formal job offer. It definitely exceeded my expectations, and I really like the company. I start the beginning of June with them on a huge expansion job at the Denver Airport. I am glad I made the decision for right now to make a career move, rather than pursue the guiding. Hopefully this is a smart step to some great hunts out West! Thank you to everyone who gave their advice on this thread and the encouraging words. I look forward to making the move, working hard and hunting/fishing anytime possible.
Got back from Colorado this morning at 2 a.m. and was at work by 6. Sat down to check emails, and don't you know it I have a formal job offer. It definitely exceeded my expectations, and I really like the company. I start the beginning of June with them on a huge expansion job at the Denver Airport. I am glad I made the decision for right now to make a career move, rather than pursue the guiding. Hopefully this is a smart step to some great hunts out West! Thank you to everyone who gave their advice on this thread and the encouraging words. I look forward to making the move, working hard and hunting/fishing anytime possible.


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Congrats on the job, and having the stones to pursue it!
It takes a lot to make yourself uncomfortable, but you'll benefit greatly in the end.
Congratulations - you did well.

Focusing on the real job as opposed to the guiding thing will pay off greatly over the rest of your life.
Best of luck Collin.

Those commercial construction jobs can be long term...or finicky and fluctuate with the economy. Networking with the different companies in that industry can help you rise up the ladder....or jump ship if your company ever gets slow. Those big construction outfits are always trying to poach good people- which can be good for you.

My guess is if you work smart...and work hard...there will be many doors open to you in the future- Exciting of luck.
