Decisions, decisions...


Aug 6, 2012
I've been torn about where I should apply for a either-sex NR mule deer tag with 0 PP's in Colorado. I was looking at unit 75/751 originally, but seeing as how this will be my first backcountry hunt, and I'll be solo, I don't want to bite off more than I can chew. My plan is to find an area that I can hike into and scout, if I see deer I'd go hunting but if not I'll just get in the truck and go to another location and keep day hiking until I find something. I'll have about 10-12 days to hunt starting on September 4th or 5th and ending on September 15th or 16th. If all else fails, I want to find a place where I can put in for a mule deer tag and if I do not get drawn I can pull an OTC elk tag. I don't know if it's possible to find units with good mule deer and elk hunting, but it's worth a shot. The list of units I've come up with so far are 44, 444, 49, 77 and 78 (although I can't find PP requirements for 78).

I narrowed down these units based on amount of public land available to hunt, restriction of motorized vehicles, number of hunters per square mile, number of deer/elk per square mile, and if there are any major roads that will allow me to move around the unit quickly. What other factors do I need to consider to have a good hunt?
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Feb 24, 2012
Rochester Hills, MI
I'll tell you this. 75/751 are big areas and aren't easy to access, at least the area I hunt isn't. Its a lot to bite off for a solo first time trip. I would suggest staying 3-5 miles as your limit as its not easy walk with all that gear and meat on the way out!


Feb 24, 2012
You can drive right up to the eastern boarder of 751/77 and be right at 10,200 or take the train for the western edge and there are some good trail systems to get back in but you'll be bumping elbows for the first 3 miles after the middle of Sep, early season there doesn't seem to be much pressure.. I saw the biggest MD I have seen in the wild in 751. This probably will suit your needs most of the people back there in Sep are elk hunters so you may find that helpful. Seems like most of the deer hunters go lower in that area.

Last I checked 77 & 78 are 0-1 pp for MD in archery.

Tip look for a forest service road that is close to Williams lake in 77, this will take you way up high and goes way back there. Come rifle season it turns into a small village back there.
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Aug 6, 2012
I'll tell you this. 75/751 are big areas and aren't easy to access, at least the area I hunt isn't. Its a lot to bite off for a solo first time trip. I would suggest staying 3-5 miles as your limit as its not easy walk with all that gear and meat on the way out!

Initially that's what drew me to the Weminuche, but figuring out how to make the logistics work and running the risk of not seeing anything and going deeper in and deeper and being solo is intimidating. I'm not one that shys away from a challenge, but I'd hate to get hurt and end up making my wife and kids suffer cause I put myself at risk unnecessarily. I'm sure after the first trip my wife's confidence and my own will be higher.
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Aug 6, 2012
Anyone have any other input about what I should look at to narrow down what unit to apply for.