My advice is free and worth as much lol. I paid off my home at age 40. Basically what I would suggest to the OP is to refinance the home to a 7 or 10 year note drastically reducing his interest owed. Put down something like $60,000 to $100,000 of his current savings to get the payments reduced. Leave the balance in the market and throw any extra income on paying down the mortgage and rebuilding savings.
I like this. I agree my advice is worth whatever you value it on a hunting forum. That said, I am a surgeon and make a decent salary. That said, my wife doesn’t make much and kids are expensive. Also, in my specialty, I didn’t earn a real paycheck until I was 34ish. That means >300k in debt from student loans also. There is a vast wealth of knowledge out there on finance strategies. I do feel we have similar goals: not working for the man forever and having some freedom with a few bucks to enjoy said freedom. The strategy I like is:
1. Get spending under control.
2. Pay off high interest consumer debt first. ie credit cards.
3. Balance paying off medium debts (student loans) with saving for retirement. That means maxing out 401k, Roth, employer match etc. I use index funds, not individual stocks for what it’s worth. I’m in the long game, not the short.
4. Then worry about the rest. This is where the mortgage comes in. I would never take out money from the market at your age to pay off a mortgage I could refinance today for 2.5% over 15 years. That’s basically a free loan when you take into account inflation and the ability to put your money into retirement. History would show that it is likely the market will beat that mortgage over the 15 years, but who knows.
This is exactly what I did. Refinanced my 20 year 4.5% mortgage into a 2.5% 15 year mortgage. At 4.5% I could see an argument to chip away faster, but at 2.5% it’s harder to justify other than just knowing you are debt free.
Good luck. Sounds like you are well on your way to financial freedom.
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