Dealing with lyme disease


Jan 12, 2021
I had Lyme in 2010. I had a big bullseye rash. Treated with antibiotics right away. I never had any symptoms other than the rash. No fever, nothing. I think a lot of it depends on how quickly it's treated. I was lucky. It's a lot more common in the northeast, so everyone is pretty paranoid about Lyme.
Sep 5, 2023
I have a friend, mid 30s, who suffered for 10 years with terrible Lyme’s disease symptoms. Many doctors and many attempts through medication were unsuccessful in treating the disease or alleviating symptoms. A year and a half ago he decided to see if diet change could help with some relief. He did a strict N=1 experiment with the carnivore diet for 30 days. He began feeling better within a couple weeks. He continued getting better and better, it has truly been life changing for him.
I know most people just want a doctor to hand them a pill and call it good, but in many cases the best you can hope for is a reduction in symptoms. Many people find little if any relief with conventional treatments. My friend remains symptom free.


Jul 16, 2019
Good thread to read and educate yourself. One thing I haven't seen mentioned is the relative unreliability of the actual Lyme tests. I have had many tick bites over the years and just last fall found many small ticks on me and quickly had the chills followed by body ache all over. I was back to 90% by the 3rd day but went to the doctor anyway and was given doxy. They did not even want to test for it at that time.


Mar 7, 2012
I can also recommend Permethrin for treating clothing. I have been treating my pants the last few years before the spring turkey season with good results. A few weeks ago my daughter had a wood tick on her. We carefully removed it and placed it on my treated pants legs. The tick began to move very quickly. We had it on pants leg for a few minutes and then placed it in a container. Within an hour at the longest, the tick was dead.
May 16, 2012
Fargo ND
Several comments here, my brother got Lyme in November a few years ago and it pretty much has destroyed his health. Most doctors are clueless about it. He was diagnosed so late that it was imbedded in his joints etc.

-If you finds a deer tick on you, you can send it to or for testing.
-That said if it Is a deer tick and has imbedded go in and INSIST on 21 days of Doxycycline. With all the super bug scares the doctors only want to give you 10 days. You must have 21 days to catch the 2nd life cycle of any organisms. I know people who have not been able to get 21 days so mail ordered it from Canada. My wife found a tick and talked them in to 21 days.

Lyme is no joke and can manifest itself in many nasty ways. We also have treated a couple pair of pants and some stretch gaitors at Knee high rubber boots, gaitors, or tuck pants in to socks are very important steps. Once they get on your legs they travel up to pits, hairline, and other soft spots to imbed.


Mar 24, 2016
I did use permethrin, only thing I can figure is is got me when I was sleeping and went down my back. Symptoms aren't terrible, the insomnia is the worst. Only good thing is exercise to the point of exhaustion is my release. I am in the best shape of my life but still don't feel great.

Oof…this bring back a stark memory…I was backpacking while hunting turkeys once and while sleeping I dreamt that a tick was crawling on my neck. I woke up and…a tick was crawling on my neck. That was a long night.