Dealer trying to talk me out of a SAKO 90 WHY?


Aug 4, 2024
North Eastern Maryland
I found the SAKO 90’s on sale at EO for an unbelievable price and asked my dealer about ordering one.
Note had to do this via text because he was actually closed this weekend, but his reply was you can get a better gun for less money, I know his opinion, but what say you Rocksliders? That is an awesome rifle with good features and would be very interested to know what is out there better for cheaper, because cheap ain’t always better. Also, I am not into any custom stuff and prefer just good solid factory setups, minor mods okay but nothing major.

What was the price if you don’t mind me asking? I think those sako 90’s look fantastic, owned one sako and sold it… wish I wouldn’t have but have no clue when I would have used it. It was the nicest factory rifle I have owned by a wide margin
I get your dealer’s point, but the SAKO 90s are solid rifles, especially at that price. If you're not into custom stuff and prefer factory setups, it's hard to beat. Tikka could be a good alternative if you're looking for something a bit cheaper, but overall, SAKO is a great choice for quality and reliability.
Wasn’t necessarily the “dealer”, but have to go through an FFL to buy the gun.
But as others have mentioned, he is not a retailer for SAKO and therefore wouldn’t make anything other than the FFL fee.
I used one of the older models of these rifles before and it was absolutely excellent and with the newer features with the safety and the trigger adjustment, that is why I was looking at them.
Why did you even talk to your local gun shop before you ordered? I've bought guns through gun broker, auctions and private and never needed to call the local gun shop up. I just show up when tracking says it's there pay him and look around. That's how I ended up with a new 22/45 this week.
Use an FFL that will do a transfer without trying to sell you something different. A Sako 90 is a great rifle especially at that price.

Plenty of good gun shops put policies in place to discourage FFL transfers and other FFL figure out how to make money on efficient transfers. Find the latter.
Thanks for all of the advice and perspectives everyone.
I have never had to use and FFL before and had asked a reputable dealer that my brother has brought several guns from in the past. So, I was working from a good reference.
Outside of post #8, I have never heard any bad feedback on SAKO and I am sure there are others out there that may come through.
Read this. It'll all make sense...

Thanks for all of the advice and perspectives everyone.
I have never had to use and FFL before and had asked a reputable dealer that my brother has brought several guns from in the past. So, I was working from a good reference.
Outside of post #8, I have never heard any bad feedback on SAKO and I am sure there are others out there that may come through.
The easiest thing would be to call the place you are buying from, sounds like Euro Optic, and ask whose FFL they have on file around your zip code. Nothing more is needed from you until it arrives at the FFL and the log it in.