Danner Thorofare Review

Saturday and Sunday, overnight solo backpacking trip in to a wilderness Bighorn Sheep Guzzler. This hike was 6.5 miles each way with overnight pack and glassing gear (approx. 60#). Temperature reached almost 100°. 2200’ elevation gain from trail head to camp over rough desert terrain, no trail...

again the boots performed well, still happy.
Here is another Thorofare update for December.
I’ve managed to put some more miles on my boots in dry/desert conditions. All “day pack” stuff hiking in Joshua Tree and Nevada desert mountains.

I did get some long and steep down hill hiking in. I have to give kudos to the lacing system and footbed of the boot. My toes never hit the front. I’ve also tried jogging short distances in these boots, reminiscent of boots and utes runs while being Marine infantry. The tongue laces properly on the boots and stays centered. There doesn’t seem to be any type of bind or pressure point.

My buddy in Alaska continues with his Thorofares, no complaints from him. He still has a couple deer tags left and is getting out in the snow. He says the boots are working good with the Katula micro spikes.

I saw on Youtube that RMEF has posted some Danner info. I assume Danner sponsors the organization.

Semper fi I also did boots & yutes many times in 29 Palms. Them GI issued boots in 1987 sucked.
...Them GI issued boots in 1987 sucked.

“Black Cadillacs” LOL I enlisted in 1987 and live pretty close to 29-Palms now. The .org I belong to has built several sheep guzzlers on the MCAGCC.

Quick August update on the boots. I’m starting to put quite a few miles on these boots, mostly all dry rocky and desert terrain. I have been hiking in to bighorn sheep guzzlers quite regularly to check water levels all summer. It’s been regularly over 100° in SoCal’s deserts for a couple months now, so I would expect the ground’s surface temp to be well over 140 degrees for many of my hikes.

I did manage to shoot a pig in a mud wallow a couple weeks ago in Santa Barbara County, so was in ankle deep mud for a bit while dragging the pig out lol. My feet didn’t get wet, but that is hardly a test of their water proofness.

Between the vibram sole and the hard plastic band, there is an area I can get my finger nail in between, its shallow and doesn’t show up in photo, more of a ”feel” thing. I don’t know if this is something I didn’t notice before or what? On the right toe, last picture, you can see a little separation in the rubber toe guard. I can get my fingernail under, but can‘t pull it further. Wear on the Vibram soles is about what you would expect.

I haven’t treated the leather yet, my buddy from Alaska has treated his with Obanaughs, the leather on his is much darker of course.

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I have a pair of Danners from the early 90’s. My dad got them before I grew a bit and he got a new pair. As I still wear these boots, they have held up better than I would have ever hoped for.

I would be interested to hear if anyone with negative experiences had the made in USA boots. Glad to see your boots are holding up and interested to follow as you continue the review.
Could you please post an update on your thorofares middleofnowhere? I’m interested in these boots and I’m curious how they’ve held up over the long haul for you.