Dana Shortbed Questions


Apr 2, 2017
He guys,
So I stumbled across a beautiful Dana Designs K2 Shortbed that was to good of a deal to pass up. Well, that is until I realized it was a size Regular. Waste belt is plenty big. I played with the adjustments. Just seems a little short for me. Anyway, I was wondering if you guys knew of any quick fixes or aftermarket system that would work on it? Or if you thought it would even be worth the time/money messing around with it?
Or is it worth enough that I should just sell it to someone that wants it as is and put the money towards another pack.
Thanks in advance
The Hill People forum is the place to research Dana frames.

I spend some time with a terraframe swapping in different belts and harnesses but at the end of the day the load lifter placement was far to low for me at higher weights.
Agreed with fowler. I've run a HPG prairie belt and now use a kifaru small belt. I haven't had issues with the lifter placement. Overall great packs.
I still have an old Dana K2 with the bag on it[as I recall it came in 3 options] That pack hauls more than I can carry.

I bet you could call Mystery Ranch and tell them what you have and get a belt for it.
Thanks for all the help guys. I really appreciate it. Great responses, but a couple of (probably dumb) questions:
The belt doesn't seem to be the issue, it's the height of the harness, they are 2 independent components correct?
If so, the Dana harness looks pretty unique to this frame. Has anyone on here successfully swapped out for another brands harness?
Colby Jack: I found your old thread about you running a CP on your frame. Great idea!!! The only issue I see with this setup for me is that the load lifters on my pack actually attach to the bag itself up where the bag attaches to the top bar of the frame (I can post pics) so not sure how I'd use the lifters if removing the bag and switching to a CP.
I guess the bottom line is that these aftermarket belts, harnesses and CPs are pretty darn expensive and I'm just trying to decide how much money I should dump into a pack that doesn't fit ( that I got for $40) to make it work for my needs? I'm guessing I could probably sell the thing for $100???
And put it in the piggy bank for a kifaru or mystery ranch.
Any more thoughts?
There have been a few iterations of harness and belt systems. I am fortunate to have collected four of these packs and have attained the grey shoulder harness style. It is hands down the more comfortable style. There are only a couple guys on HPG that have successfully utilized a different harness system. Evan Hill is one of them. He had a custom hypalon panel sewed up to use his HPG harness system. I've inquired numerous times for more pics to no avail. Fowler has rigged up a harness as well, and has told us the load lift wasn't suitable. Are you certain you've adjusted the suspension correctly? Sounds like your torso is too short for the frame. If I were in your position, I wouldn't chop up a pack that didn't fit you. Recuperate funds and find something that fits.
Thanks for the response
I adjusted the suspension all the way up, but I am thinking it is to short for my torso since it is a "regular" the included directions state that regular is for up to 5'8" and Large is for 5'6" and above. I know.... sounds odd to me too
Are you still running the CP on your frame?
I am. I still have a stack of xpac fabric and hypalon that I want to make a pack bag out of. It worked out so well for me last year I want to continue using it.
Leo, the Longbed I have listed for sale has a Large torso frame. You could buy it, swap frames and bags around and sell the shorter framed version. Best of both worlds. :-)
Thanks for the help guys,
Bill, I am currently weighing options on the best way to proceed with the pack.
Thanks for letting me know.
LB Fowler, thanks for posting the link.
That is very helpful