Damaged loads question


Nov 2, 2019
I figured this would be a good place to look for answers on this. My buddy has a Remington 700 in 30/06 that seems to be tearing up shells when they are chambered. Unfired rounds that come out are all scratched up and the bullet has grooved gouges around it.(rifling marks??) I’m thinking it is a problem with the gun and he needs to have it looked at. He said it wouldn’t chamber rounds when he bought it and he sent it in to Remington, they fixed it, sent it back to him. I don’t know if these are reloads or factory, but I think he needs to send it back again. Below are pictures of rounds that were chambered but not fired. IMG_6024.jpeg
2 month old post I know. The bottom of the feed rails in the receiver are scaring the cases and need the sharp corners stoned and polished. The feed ramp also needs to be polished. Might be good to remove the trigger so as to not get metal filings in it. I have an unfired longranger in 300 wm that I have to fix. Mine appears to be worse than yours. Really unexceptable for a new remington.