Dads of Rokslide

Oct 25, 2012
Some people think just because they are Dad, they deserve unconditional respect from their kids. You earn respect from everyone in your life, earn it from your kids as well.

Facts. My dad demanded respect as he would semi-praise you out of one side of his mouth and tear you down to nothing out of the other. And he was super critical. If you went 3 for 4 he would want to know about why you didn’t reach base the one time. If you made a b on report card you feared going home… But, that’s how he was raised.

I say that to say this. Yes, I love my dad and respect him. He has a huge heart. But he could have done a lot better when we were kids. He knows that now and regrets it. It took us time to get where we are now. Don’t put yourself in that situation. It’s hard to mend things down the road and you get zero do overs in life. It’s ok if your kids fail. We all do. Just don’t criticize them for it. And ALWAYS praise them when they succeed!

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